II. This is new

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Alex's POV

I pace back and forth from the door and back to the chairs on the hall.

Oh god, I forgot to go to the bathroom. I should look like a complete mess

I walk towards the girls' restroom but stopped when I hear a voice from my back

"Did you change your mind about our date, Russo?" She asks suggestively.

I spin on my heels and spot her grabbing her notebook to her chest. Even with her different style, she still looks like a nerd. And I like it; I've always liked it but I do have to admit it's sexier now.

"N-no, of course not. I was just going to the restroom to check on my aspect" I breath out. 

"You look beautiful" her feet start moving towards me and then she's just two inches away from me 

"As always" she breaths out

"Tha-nk you" 

"However, if you want to go, go. I'll wait here" 

"No, it's okay. I won't keep you waiting, let's go"

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Allison's POV 

The date is going perfect. When we walked out of school, she opened the door for me which I thought was cute. We decided to go to the theatre and all the way to it, she was talking to me so sweet and told me many compliments. When we entered the theatre she bought me my favourite chocolate and we decided on sharing a soda. And now, while she watches the play carefully, I stare at her hand, it is open for me to take on the armrest and I don't know if I should take it or just pretend I never noticed it. 

Hell, here we go. I place my hand over hers and though she doesn't turn to look at me, I see her smile. 

We get out of the theatre and a cold wind hits me. I have a sweater and still I feel my bones starting to freeze. I am looking around waiting for Alex to lead the way when suddenly I feel a pair of hands grazing my shoulders. A new piece of cloth is covering my back.

"No. Alex, it's freezing. You're going to catch a cold"

"I don't care" Her soft voice has been making me feel warm today. Sadly, it only lasts a few seconds. Her hands grab my arms and push me lightly towards the car.

"I care, please. Put on your jacket"

"No, If I put it, I won't be able to cover you. And it's useless for me with this cold. Both will catch a cold. Now, if I cover you, you'll get warm enough at least until we enter the car. That leaves us with just one of us catching a cold, not both. Besides, I might bee lucky if you take care of my cold"

"Aren't we thoughtful?" She sticks her tongue out at me playfully and we both chuckle.

"Anyway, I will take care of you if you catch a cold" I run my hand down her arm to emphasise my words. I look up at her and get scared of her face. She's breathing hard and has this frozen stare.


"Yeah?" I sigh in relief as she gives me a small smile.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, positive. Uh, let's go" Her hands pull on my arms again and we walk back to the car.

Alex's POV

We get inside the car and I start to wander again as I did when she touched me just some seconds ago. I can't like her .

I can't like Sonny ... I ... I have a reputation to keep. What is Samantha going to think?

What is Mason going to think? Oh my god, Mason, I forgot about him. He cannot know I am gay! I don't even know if I am gay. Everything I know is that ... is that she ... she makes me feel amazing. 

Every single second of the date was perfect. I was happy and I felt full for maybe the first time in my life. I wasn't thinking about anything but her.

But god, I am a cheerleader, a school's image. I am not supposed to be a lesbian! I can't. 

And Dallas! Oh god, Dallas. She's going to kill me, she's going to think I corrupter her little sister.

Oh god, please. Give me a sign, I can't handle this. I don't know what to do.

Allison's POV

Alex has been a little out since we got out of the movies and it's starting to scare me. What if she realised she really doesn't like me? We are pulling over my house when a thought comes to my mind.

"Hey, Alex?" Nervousness suddenly hits my senses as she turns to look straight at me.

"Yeah?" I have bipolar feelings towards her weak voice. It's vulnerable, which makes it sweet. But it's off energy, which makes me think she's sad. 

"Do you want to come for a while? It's still early so we can watch a movie or play something. Just if you want, of course" I was about to tell her we could play video games but girly girls don't play video games. And I have to keep up my new image if I want her to stay a little bit longer with me.

Her gaze loses in the nowhere for a moment and I just wait there. I watch her every move; since she breathed out deeply, until she closes her eyes and breathes out.

Alex's POV

"Do you want to come for a while? It's still early so we can watch a movie or play something. Just if you want, of course" Dear lord

What do I do? Should I tell her I am tired? Or do I tell her the truth? Does she know I have a boyfriend? Maybe that could be helpful.

"I --" I start but say nothing. Words do not come out of my lips. Because right now all I can do I gaze at her. 

She's so beautiful, she's so beautiful behind that new image of hers. She's always been beautiful. How didn't I notice before? I'm such an idiot. I can't loose her. 

I just started to know her, to really know her, I can't loose this chance. I don't think I could ever handle walking around school without those eyes looking up at me.

"Do you have videogames?" I ask suggestively and her eyes spark.

"Yeah, I have few"

"Perfect, because I'm going to beat your ass" I give her a last grin before I open my door and walk to the other side, opening hers.

"Why thank you gentlewoman" She teases giving me a playful smirk

"My pleasure" I tease back and close the car.

I Didn't Just Kiss Her (Selena/Demi)Where stories live. Discover now