Chapter I

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Chapter I

    "Jade!" My father yelled up the stairs. "Get down here now. We have to go." I shove my clothes into the bag and take off down the stairs two at a time.

    "I'm ready." I say but my father is watching the TV.  "Dad? What's going on?" I drop my bag and go to his side. "Dad.. What's wrong with his teeth.. and his skin?" I ask referring to the deeply green colored man with sharp fanged teeth on TV.

    "He isn't human, Jade. He's one of them." My dad's voice doesn't shake, but I swallow painfully.

    "You mean he's an alien? One of the Others" I stand there for a moment looking over these strange new creatures. "They.. They don't look much different then us. Just more.. dangerous. Why is everyone running? Why can't we figure out what they want?"

    "We have. Jade.. You know how the male gene is fading from the world right? How there are more women then there are men." My dad asks.

    "Yes," I remember our Chemistry class and the weird facts that our teacher would blurt out- thinking that would get our attention.

    "Well, from what they're leader has told us, they had been suffering the same problem.  They've done some research."

    "What kind of research?" I ask as chills begin to spread up my arms.

    "It's the males that hold the sex of the baby. We knew that. But, well, their Males produce more male when they are with their females, and with our females they produce equal amounts of each. It's a fifty - fifty shot with humans; compared to the twenty eight - seventy two shot they have with their own females. They don't know why, or how. It's just how our chemicals mix, I suppose. They want to take young healthy, able women and-"

    "And impregnate them." I finish for him, my father nods and I see his fists clench. "Dad," He stops and sighs, "What ages are they looking for?"

    "Any woman from 18 to 28."

    I feel fear hit me hard as I state the obvious, "So.. they'll take me?"

    "Yes, that's why we have to hide you." He goes to his closet and pulls out one of his sweaters and a baseball cap. "Put it on and let's go."

    My father and I get in the car and the 'abandoned' town wasn't as abandoned as we'd thought. There is just a giant traffic jam on all the exits.

    "Shit! Dad, they're not letting anyone out." I whimper and fall back against the seat. Before my dad can maneuver out of the traffic an officer knocks on the driver's side window. My dad and I both cringe.

    Dad threw me a meaningful glance and I knew I wouldn't talk. Not unless they ask me a direct question.

    "Hello, sir. I'm going to need both of your names." I saw him glance down at a list- a list of all the residence of our town. I pull off the hat and let my blond pony tail fall out of the hat.

    "My name is Jade. Jade Warren. I've just turned 18." I whisper. the guy nods and checks the list.

    "And you are her father?" The man asks.

    "I am." My father sounds defeated. "I'm Charles Warren."

    "I need to take your daughter with me. She's going to have a check-up. To see if she is.."

    "Able to get knocked up." I mutter.

    "I was going to say healthy." My father's face darkened a little, but squeezed my hand.

    "Can my dad come with me." I ask, unsure if I would ever see him again and hoping I  wouldn't have to release his hand.

    "Yes. There are other parents waiting in a waiting room for their daughters until we have to take you to the meeting spot in your state. The Others come to pick up the females they want." he sighs, "Sir, if you pull ahead, we have parking for you."

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