Chapter II

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Chapter II

    “My lord. I do need to warn you about the precautions you will have to take with her.” Nikaitor let out a sigh and I shivered while he leans away from me, but tightens his hold on my neck. “Gentle, My lord. That must always be your first thought when you are with your chosen human.

    “Jade Warren, have you shared your body with a male before?” Nikaitor didn’t seem to like the question. He promptly- but carefully slid from beneath me to stand in front of me. He almost seemed to be guarding me.

I swallow and feel my face heating again, “No.”

“What does that matter?” Nikaitor let out a growl.

“I’m sorry, my lord, I should have asked her before you had her marked.”

“I am waiting for an answer.”

“My lord, the first time she will bleed.”

“Bleed?” He questions. His growl is still prominent. I reach out, my hand shaking slightly as I try to calm him.

“It will be much like when you are wounded and you flow, instead of humans’ flow being clear like our own theirs is red. It will stain and it would be a good idea to lie a linen beneath the both of you.”

“I will be sure not to hurt her so she will experience no flow.” He said as if that would make it true. Then he  turned to me, catching my hand that had rested on his arm to hold it against his cheek. “I’ll be gentle with you, Jade. I swear-”My free hand raises and I catch his face between both of my hands.

“Nikaitor. Calm down.” I speak aloud and stare into his jet black eyes framed with thick lashes. “Every human woman bleeds, er, flows,” I turn to look at the doctor he nods at my terminology and I turn my attention back to Nikaitor. “It’s just how human women work.”

    “Your flow is natural?” I couldn’t tell if he was angry, shocked or disbelieving, “I don’t understand!” He took a deep breath and pushed his strong fingers through his black hair. “Keii’s only flow when we are wounded. Why do humans flow during breeding?”

    “Human females flow because their bodies are adjusting to the male taking them. Female humans are not born ready for breeding as our women are. It is believed in the humans’ world that their Lief only favors those who wait to breed. She will only experience flow during breeding the first time.”

    I just shut my mouth so that the doctor could calm Nikaitor. To be honest I was to nervous to really focus on what he was saying.

    Nikaitor looked at me in disbelief. “Your Leif does not smile upon breeding?”

    “I- uhm, well, what are you asking me, exactly?”

    “Her Leif is called God. And it doesn’t frown- or forbid breeding, it only forbids sharing partner without being marked. But Human males Mark their women differently. They give matching jewelry.”

    I laughed as Nikaitor’s face scrunched up in distaste. “Your males wear woman accessories?”

    “So you guys mark as like.. a proposal?” I question back.

“I’ve been researching your kind and you breed oddly.” The doctor Scratched his head.

“How do they breed?” Nikaitor seemed really interested.

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