Chapter V

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Chapter V

    Nik had left that afternoon, assuring me he’d be back in a few hours. A few hours turned into four hours, which slowly turned into seven hours. I never realized how boring sitting around could be all the time. My stomach growled.

    I flopped back on the bed to stare at the ceiling. I wanted to draw. I missed my folder of art I always carried with me. I missed my dad. I missed home. I realized. I was homesick.

    I then preoccupied myself with wondering if I would ever come to think of where ever Nik lived as home. Even with the knowledge that he would try anything to make me happy, I wondered if he would ever grow tired of trying to do something that might end up impossible.

    Someone knocked on the door. I sat up. Looking at the door, deciding whether, or not to open it. Nikaitor had explained how they thought I’d gotten sick and I’d also seen a female Keiiless. If it came to a fight, I would surely loose. Keiiless women were tall and muscular and trained to protect themselves- to fight off a male Keiiless, so yeah, it I had to fight one of them I was going to get my ass handed to me.

    “Nikaitor’s Chosen. Nikaitor has sent me to bring your meal. I am Egion.” Egion, that name sounded so familiar, but I was still wary.

    “What if it is poisoned again.”

    “I’ve watched over the food maker. The food is clean. Open the door now, female, unless you want to go without consuming energy food for more hours.” I shifted nervously.

    “Okay, hold on.” I went to the door and paused. “I don’t know how to open it.”

    “Press your palm to the center.” I pressed and it beeped, but the door didn’t slide open. I heard Egion tap on the pad beside the door on the other side a few times and the door then slid open.

    “Hello,” I said a little shocked. I stepped aside so he could enter the room.

    Egion nodded at me and stepped inside the door closing behind him. I stood staring at him.

    “You have not seen one of my kind?”

    “Are you not from Keiilei, then?”

    “Nikaitor and I are from the same planet, but not the same land. While Nikaitor will rule Keiilei, I will rule Xania.”

    “Rule? Wait, I’m not comprehending, correctly. Nik will rule his world?”

    “No, he will rule part of our world- after his father parts from our world.”

    Holy shit, I was dating a prince- married to a prince, for all intents anyway. I was speechless. “Are you still unable to comprehend?”

    “No. No, I get it.” I push my bangs from my forehead- even though it’s useless because they fall right back into my face.

    “So, you will rule your half of the world, and Nik will rule his half.

    “There are three different lands. My land of Xania, Nikaitor’s Keiilei, and Router rules Kreies.”

“And you are all different people?”

“Somewhat different. Much like your earth. We have different beliefs and different costumes as well as different specific features.The people of Kreies originated from you humans. That is how we originally learned how closely we are chemically bonded.”

“Wait People of Kreies originated from here?”

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