Chapter 15 - The Challenge - The deleted scenes

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Author's note: This story is waaay too long so I had to delete some scenes that, while fun, don't exactly move the plot forward. They however do wonders for character development, so I thought I'd share. These are the deleted scenes from chapter 15.


Sam walked towards the river, trying to find a way to convince the rest of the group that he was serious. They didn't have to stay and try to get the ruby back. Laughter reached him and he felt some of the tension leaving him. At least someone could still laugh.

Christine, Alice and Angie came into view. They sat on a remote patch of grass on the bank of the river. Jimmy was with them too, untangling some rope and pulling at the pieces of what used to be a trap. Alice and Christine were laughing while Angie watched them, an absentminded smiled on her lips. Alice and Christine had their rucksacks there. Alice was pulling clothes out and showing them to Christine.

Sam walked to them, sat next to Christine and kissed her on the cheek.

"Hi. Taking a break?" she asked.

Plotting, actually. "Yeah. What are you girls doing?"

"Us girls are dismantling the traps to salvage the material." Jimmy pulled some nails out of a wooden plank.

Sam smiled weakly. "I was talking to the actual girls."

"Really?" Jimmy felt around on the ground, trying to find some scattered instrument. His entire toolbox was strewn on the ground.

"I was just showing Christine and Angie all the useless stuff I've brought along with me." Alice pulled out the top of a bathing suit. "I thought I was actually going on vacation." She measured the minuscule bra. "Though I could still ware this and maybe soak up some sun. What do you think, Jimmy?"

"Yeah, nice," Jimmy mumbled, not looking at her but continuing his search through the dead vegetation.

Alice rolled her eyes. "You're taking a break, Sam. Why don't you tell him to take one too? The whole reason I'm even sitting here is to spend some time with him," she said to Christine as though sharing an important secret. "He's always up to something. I wouldn't see him at all if I didn't watch him work."

Christine shrugged. "I prefer to let Sam work. I know I can be quite a distraction. He'll come to me." She leaned her head on Sam's shoulder and looked up at him. "Won't you, babe?"

"Um, yes?" Sam said awkwardly. He suddenly felt trapped in Girly World. He looked to Jimmy for help, but his brother was busy throwing tools back in his toolbox.

"To each his own. I'm a bit more clingy." Alice returned to searching for clothes in her rucksack.

Jimmy looked up. "A bit?" he mouthed to Sam. He then mimed being lassoed in and tied up to something.

Angie giggled. "Whipped, huh Jimmy?"

Jimmy grinned. "Never! Hey, Alice, as long as you're rummaging in there, do you have any high-heels?"

Alice turned to him, thrilled. "So you like high-heels? I'll see what I can do for you."

"I have these." Christine searched inside her own rucksack and pulled out the stilettos she had worn from the airport.

"Wow, Christine, those are beautiful!" Alice took one and admired it. "I have something similar, but with less straps." She pulled out a high-heel sandal.

Jimmy came over and took both shoes, studying the four inch sharp heels. "Nope, stilettos won't do. Anything else?"

"Stilettos won't do?" Christine asked as if Jimmy had uttered the most offensive blasphemy.

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