Chapter 25.2 - The search

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Kyle watched Jessie as she dabbed disinfectant on her scratches, wincing and groaning from time to time. "You should've left the pride for another time."

"If he would've asked, it would've been something else," she replied. "But it was your idea."

"Jimmy's not really there yet."

Jessie stopped dabbing and looked at him. "Where there?"

Kyle leaned against a tree, his hands behind his head. "He, unlike you, hasn't admitted to himself how he feels about you, yet."

Jessie shook her head. "He doesn't feel about me. And why would you think—"

Kyle quirked a brow. "Who're you trying to fool? You love Jimmy. It's so obvious, my eyes water when I look at you."

Jessie put her hands on her hips. "That's...that's..." She sighed and returned to disinfecting her wounds. "That's so true."

"He's in love with you, too."

"No, he's not." Jessie put the cotton pad aside and took out a new one.

"Really? Then why did he get so uptight when I flirted with you earlier today." Kyle rested his elbows on his knees and bent a little lower to catch the look on Jessie's face. Her hair made that impossible.

"You weren't flirting with me. Just fooling around."

"I know. You could tell. He, on the other hand couldn't."

"So this means I turn him into an idiot," Jessie mumbled.

Kyle laughed. "That's such a great way to describe love." He was relieved to hear Jessie giggling, too.

"If he loves me, why doesn't he break up with Alice?" she suddenly asked, raising her head. She looked almost hopeful for a magic answer.

Kyle bit his lip. "I'm not sure. We didn't really talk about it, but I have a hunch. Jimmy had this really bad relationship. I'm guessing he's trying to prove to himself that he can still commit. Alice is just lucky she was here first."

Jessie sat in silence, chewing on her lower lip as though brooding on his answer. "That makes sense." She looked at Kyle. "She doesn't deserve him."

Kyle huffed. "Seeing as she's why Kay and I are fighting, she deserves a bullet through the head. I know I'm being harsh, but I can't help it." He leaned against the tree again. His mind was back on Kay and his stomach twisted into a knot.

"Look, just be patient," Jessie said as though she'd read his mind. "I know no one's seen her today, but she could still be around and we have no idea how long she's been missing. If she's not here tomorrow, then we can panic and go look for her."

"I'm panicking now. Can I go look for her?" he mumbled. Though he knew why he couldn't go alone. He'd faced an entire day without collapsing, but that didn't mean he couldn't do it any second.

"I could come with you and look." Jessie put her hand on his shoulder.

"No, Jess. You're right. If you really want to do me a favor, kill Alice."

Jessie stood, laughing. "You have no idea how appealing that sounds. Get some rest and we'll see what we can do tomorrow."

Kyle watched her heading towards her tent then his eyes strayed to the orange sun. It was going to set soon, leaving him plunged in darkness. He sunk his head in his hands. He was so worried about Kay, he wasn't sure he could sleep.

The lack of blackouts that day also had him confused. Ever since the explosion, he hadn't had one single day without two or three trances. Finding out he talked during them had been another shock. He hoped they were gone for good, but knew it was unlikely.

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