Getting ready for Prom.

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My High School Prom wasn't a big deal.

I wore a pale pink dress with a pale pink ribbon on it. Pale pink shoes completing the outfit. I had no date, so there was no one to impress.

This time, shit got real.

I have a boyfriend now, I'm popular, but not the biggest deal ever. I'm happy for that little Baby Brooke, making it's way out of Ingrid's body.

It got people away from talking about me and Tate the whole time.

Ingrid came over early today, bringing all kinds of beauty treatments over and putting lots of effort in making me the prom queen.

I didn't even want to try to be the prom queen. It would just turn egerybodys focus on me again.

Ingrid waxed my whole body, which hurt impossibly much. I dunno why she would not let me shave myself like usual.

After getting make up put on, it was already 6 pm, the prom starting in about one hour.

Sge drove her fingers through my hair, took a few of them, then let them fall back on my shoulders.

"You'll wear them open. It just looks so perfect." She squealed.

While I looked at myself in the mirror, Ingrid got dressed.

I threw my dress on, too, just in time for Harvey to arrive at the front porch.

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