The prom

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We arrived and I took a look around the big PE hall.

They'd set it up with everything a prom needs.

Strange teenagers, sitting aside included.

Harvey drove my to the middle of the buffets, longing for some extra cheesy Tuna pizza.

After eating and taking a whole loz of punch with us, we looked at the people around us, trying to find some known faces.

No one near.

I took a sip of my punch and realised that someone took the effort to put a whole lot of wodka in it.

Harvey soon saw some face he'd recogniced and left me near the buffet, told me to wait for him.

Once he was gone I felt out of place again.

That's when a face catches my eye.

Auburn hair, crystaly blue eyes, wait...

"Hey, no witch this time?" Tate greeted me, with a gentle smile on his face.

" Isn't halloween.... What the heck are you doing here?" I asked sounding a bit more angry than I wanted.

"Y'know, seeing my babys mother, dancing a bit, drinking a bit. That kind of things."

"For... Pete's SAKE" a voice behind us cried out. "What kind of crime have I done to get you here? What the FUCK do you think you're doing here?"


Tate looked at her for a second and then turned away, fastening with every step, trying to escape Ingrids anger.

We searched around for Tate and met up without finding him, but Ingrid beeing very drunk.

Harvey looked at her.

"We need to go home ladies." he announced, me nodding and Ingrid crying in disagreement.

After we placed Ingrid on the backseat, we got in the front ones and drove up. We only took a few minutes to Harvey's and we got Ingrid in her room. Baby Scarlet would be home tomorrow evening, tonight she was staying at my mum's.

Ingrid rolled up on her bed and instantly fell asleep. Poor Queen-Bee I sarcasticaly thought and closed the door.

I knocked at Harvey's door and got in at the same time.

He was curled upon his bed, now making room for me to cuddle up to him.

"Hey babes." he said softly, running hus fingers through my hair.

"I'm glad you got me away from there..." I managed saying, before I left out a big yawn.

He pulled me closer and kissed my hair and face.

That's when I knew I was home.

This is where I belong.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2013 ⏰

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