19. Who is this?

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"Mellie what are we doing here?" I asked impatiently and picked in my food. We were at some kind of food-street, with a lot of Japanese food machines around where people everywhere sat and ate.
"I don’t know really, Bill only told me they had to pick up some kind of debt from some people" she said and shrugged her shoulders. I sighed kind of irritated. The guys had been gone for almost two hours and I was getting restless.
"Why aren’t you eating?" Mellie asked and nodded towards my plate of sushi. I shrugged my shoulders.
"I’m not hungry" I sighed and leant back in the chair. Mellie just shrugged her shoulders and kept on eating. About 20 minutes later, Bill and Tom came out from a backdoor and came up to us as Mellie and I were talking about some old boyfriends that we’d had.

"What are you talking about?" Bill asked with a curious smile as he sat down next to Mellie who chuckled low as he took her hand in his. Tom took the seat next to me and placed his arm around my shoulders as he popped a piece of my food in his mouth.
"Nothing special" I chuckled as Mellie started to laugh a little bit, making Tom and Bill to look at her funny. I gave her a smile before she turned to Bill and they started to kiss, really forcefully, right in front of the whole public. I just rolled my eyes at them as I turned to Tom who was still picking in my food.
"What if I was going to eat that?" I said and picked at some wasabi with a chop-stick.
"Well it’s gone now" Tom chuckled and popped the last piece of sushi in his mouth.
"Not fair" I groaned as he tugged the corner of his lips and chewed on his lip ring. I had figured out that it was a replacement for a kiss or a hug. Bill and Mellie could do practically whatever they wanted in public, but Tom never showed intimacy if we weren’t alone or with the others. I think it was because Tom would always have his brothers back if somebody would do something but Tom couldn’t get his head around that his brother was in danger for himself. So he showed to the public he was ice-cold without weaknesses.

"So how did business go?" I asked casually as Tom tightened his jaw together. I knew I wasn’t supposed to ask the guys about their jobs but I wanted to know, I was interested.
"You know I’m not talking about that" he said and pursed his lips together and looked straight ahead. I scoffed.
"Tom come on, you know I want to know" I said firm as Tom just kept his stare.
"I will not discuss this with you" he said in the cold voice as I growled. Someday I would find out exactly what they did.
"Just you wait" I said with a low growl and Tom chuckled amused.
"I love it when you fight back" he smirked at me as I just shook my head.

"Bill it’s time to go" Tom said as Mellie and Bill let go off each other and smiled slightly the both of them. We all stood up and walked back to the cars that were parked a block away. Bill and Mellie went in front of us as they both were giggling and kissing from time to time as they almost skipped on the street. I chuckled low to myself at them and their childness, but as we rounded a corner, I felt Tom slipping his fingers between mine. I glanced around and saw, of course, no one. I kept my eyes straight ahead and pulled for a small smile as I squeezed Tom’s hand in mine as we, to the contrary of his brother and my best friend, walked in silence.

I thought we were going home but apparently not. Bill and Tom drove to a small street, which were empty except from a couple of people, laughing as they walked.
"Tom what are we doing here?" I asked as he parked the car on the road and we stepped out. He didn’t say a word to me as he nodded for Bill where he could park his car. As Bill and Mellie walked out, I heard her ask the same thing to Bill who just grinned teasingly. He walked around his car and placed his hand in Mellie’s as he whispered something in her ear, making her smile.

"You two go ahead" Tom said and waved slightly along the street. Bill nodded his head and they walked. Tom turned to me without any emotion in his face.
"Again, what are we doing here?" I asked and felt a bit on edge. I didn’t like when people took me places that I wasn’t familiar with.  Tom just smirked at me and started to walk. I grunted, why was he always so… peculiar? I watched as his backboard got smaller and I glanced around at the empty street, sensing the feeling of being safe leaving me by each step he took. I sighed to myself, I was so lost and confused I couldn’t believe it myself.

Hate, love, cars and mafia together in Tokyo /Tom Kaulitz story/Where stories live. Discover now