31.A new friend

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New chapter for you guys! Message and rate! :D 


Taylor's POV

"Hey guys have you seen Tom?" Georg asked as he entered the kitchen where Mellie and I was sitting eating breakfast. Mellie glanced at me as I just shook my head.

"I think he’s still sleeping" I said as Georg made a face.

"Why is he sleeping? We have stuff to do today" he said and walked up to where we sat and took a seat at the table. Mellie was eating cereal and I was eating on some toast. Georg looked at my toast and almost licked his lips. I grinned as I shoved the toast towards him as a big grin appeared on his face and he offered himself a piece of my toast.

"He got back like two hours ago" I said as Mellie huffed. I gave her a look as Georg looked at us confused.

"Wait what? What was that look about?" He said and looked between the both of us. I looked down in my coffee cup as Mellie growled.

"The past days Tom has been going off these weird times and comes back either really late or really early. Nobody knows what he is doing, not even Bill!" She exclaimed and looked really irritated. I chuckled a little at her but stopped when I saw the anger wash across Georg’s face.

It was true though. These last couple of days Tom had been acting really strange. He had been really distant, not wanting to talk to anyone and keeping himself off and whenever his phone rang, he drove off somewhere. I didn’t really want to pry or anything so i hadn't asked him. I trusted Tom.

"Has he said anything about where he has gone?" Georg asked and looked at me watchfully. I opened my mouth to speak but Mellie cut me off making me frown at her.

"No! he just comes and goes at these peculiar times. I mean where is he going off to?!" she dramaticly argued as Georg looked at her slightly surprised.

"Mellie, I trust Tom" I said and looked at her, but my mind started going through how weird he actually had been these last days.

"Although I’m beginning to wonder" I mumbled to myself and looked at Georg. He tilted his head slightly and gave me a concerned gaze.

"I’ll talk to him about it, don’t worry" he said and a smile appeared on his face, making me feel calmer.

"Thanks Georg, I don’t really want to ask him about it" I said as he nodded.

"But Taylor! Come on!" Mellie nagged as I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Mellie let it go. Now come on, we have to get going!" I said and had to pull her up from the chair she was sitting on. She was such a time optimist.

"Wait where are you going?" Georg asked as he reached for the last piece of my toast.

"Bill is getting a new car and he asked me for help with the mechanical stuff and Mellie for the interior" I cheered as he chuckled.

"Well the job suits you guys" he said as Mellie smiled a little even though I knew she was pissed at me.

We walked out from the kitchen and jumped inside a car somebody had arranged for us.

"So have you though about the interior?" I asked as I pulled out from the garage and out on the road.

"Not really. I know I should be more interested, but it’s still cars" she said and shrugged her shoulders. I chuckled slightly at her.

Hate, love, cars and mafia together in Tokyo /Tom Kaulitz story/Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora