I just cant resist ( 1 )

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Saying goodbye
Saying hello

Chanelle's POV

"Mum, I'm going in a minute" I shout upstairs to my mother, she came straight down.

"Ow my girl going off to college, never thought I see the day" my mum said with a chuckle. "Yeah yeah mum alright. I'll miss you" I shed a tear.

"Please come and see me. Obviously when your free" my mother replied,
"I promise" and I kissed her cheek. She got ahold of my hand and kissed it, we went to the door and I let go of her warm and comforting hug she give me just before the door.

I walked to the car and put my luggage in the boot, I looked over to my sobbing mother and I instantly ran over to her. I stopped right in front of her and gave a massive hug. I pulled away, at this point I was crying. I walked black to my car and put the key in ignition, started the engine, whipped my tears away and drove off.


After a four hour long drive to London I finally get there, these two girls walked up to me and gave me a hand with my bags. "Hi I'm Hermione" the girl with the blondish hair, "and this is Katie" I stared at the girl next to Hermione, she had bright blue eyes and long brown hair. They were both really pretty.

We made our way to the college door and opened it. A lady gave me a key which said my dorm room, 169. Katie walked off to talk to this boy, OMG HE IS SO FUCKING HOT.... I don't even think he's human. "Uh.. Hermione, who is Katie talking to?" I looked at Hermione and back to the hot-non-human-boy. "Ow Ieuan, he's Katie's twin brother" my mouth dropped at her reply, I WASN'T expecting that.

He looked straight into my eyes. My heart stopped. I froze. My chest was hurting. WHAT WAS HAPPENING? "Hey sis, who's that girl standing next to Hermione?" I over heard him asked Katie and I felt sick inside. "That's Chanelle, why did you ask?" Katie replied very curious, "she's fucking fit" did he really just say that IM FIT? I blushed and he gave me a real big grin.

He's walking over. What do I do. I think I need to fart. No Chanelle, bad time. I stopped myself from it. "Hey sweetheart, what's your name?" He asked in the most sexiest voice I ever heard. I played it cool as he snaked his hands past my waist and on my back, pulling me closer to him. He was taller then me, but not that much. "Chanelle" I said putting my hands on his shoulders. We were disconnected by the tug of Katie on Ieuans shirt.

"Wow sis, chill I was only saying hello" as if his grin couldn't get any bigger, "Ieuan please, don't hit on my friends. I don't even think they like you" Ieuan looked Katie in the eyes and stared to fake cry, I was trying to hold my laughter back. "Ow Ieuan stop, your making a foul out of yourself" Katie looked at him with a stern look, with that Ieuan went to his dorm.

"Sorry about him" Katie looked over to his door to see if he was still standing there, he wasn't. "It's okay, he's kinda cute to be honest" Katie just looked at me as if to say 'WHAT THE FUCK'.

"So, what room are you in Chanelle?" Hermione asked and I jumped in surprise, she hasn't spoke in a while and the sound of her voice startled me. "Ow in 169, you?" Katie grabbed my hand and pulled me to my dorm room. How does she know which one it was? "Chanelle, do you know who your sharing with?" Hermione asked and pointed at the door which had a hanging small black board on it. My heart jumped. It said -
Ieuan & Chanelle

"Ow fuck" I just stared at it, the girls went to there dorm.", they were sharing one. Lucky twats. I opened the door to find that Ieuan was lying on a bed near the wall, so I had the one near the bathroom, on the other side of the room. My bags were already in the room, "So, sharing a room with a girl now" he looked at my and but his lip. I blushed "I guess so, is that a problem?" I say biting my lip also. "No, not at all" he stood up and came closer to me. He put his hand on my waist, his forehead on mine. He moved sidewards and went to the bathroom. What a little shit. I was standing there until he came back.

He went for a shower, I sat down and played on my phone until he came back. He walked out in just a towel around his waist. HE HAS A SIX PACK!. He turned and looked at me, he gave me a wink and grin. I stood up and brushed past him to go in the shower.

Ieuan's POV

She brushed past me sliding her index finger across my stomach. She tried to reach for the bathroom door, I grabbed her arm pulling her to me. My hands on her waist, her chest on mine. We stayed that way for a minute or two. She pulled away and went to the bathroom, she's so fucking SEXY. How will I get though this year without trying to fuck her?

I got dried and she came out with a towel around her. Her hair dripping wet. She turned to her bed and all I could see was her back. She pulled down her towel and put it around her waist. Her back soaking with her wet hair. She put her bra on and went back in the bathroom holding pants and skinny jeans. She did that to tease me. She came back out with her jeans on and no top, I liked what I seen. She's so fucking fit. She pulled her top over her head and turned to me.

"You coming to lunch or not?" She asked in the most beautiful voice ever. "Uh.. Yeah, sure" I sounded nervous, but I don't know why. We made our way down to lunch, me, my sister, Chanelle, Hermione and two of my friends Kade and Ojay sat on a table and talked about our classes. "Hey Chanelle, what room are you in?" Kade asked Chanelle. She looked over at my sister and she nodded, "I'm in room 169, you?" Kade and Ojay just stared at me and Chanelle. "So you and Ieuan are sharing a dorm room?" Me and Chanelle nodded and they both smirked. What's wrong with sharing a room with a girl that's super attractive, sexy and has a super hot figure?......Don't answer that question.

Me and Chanelle got up and went to our dorm room, my sister and Hermione went off with the two boys somewhere. I opened the door and we both stepped in, Chanelle went to her bed and I went to mine, I watched her as she bent over to get something. "You have a nice ass" I say before she turns around and stares at me, "your an actual pervert, hope you know that" I laugh and she smiled, "yeah but I'm a hot pervert".

"You are not"

"Yes I am"



"More like a jerk"

"A hot jerk" I say and she gives up. "I need release urine" she said walking to the bathroom and she giggles, I laugh and play on my phone until she comes out.

She walks out and gets changed into her pj's. Shorts and a loose top. All I wanted to do was kiss her until she begged me to do more with her. I soon got changed and went to bed. 

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