Chapter 4

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Sorry it took so long to post this guys. I start school on Monday so I'm going back to my weekly updates until my next break, then I'll do the daily updates. I can't believe people are complaining in my inbox about how much I update. Like, I'm so confused. I update once a week and over the two week period that I update like everyday or every other day, they get upset. I just don't understand. It's either, I don't update frequently enough or it's I update too much. What do y'all want? lmao

One girl had the nerve to tell me I update too much so she's unfollowing me, taking my books out of her Library and she's going to read Against All Odds. Like, what? lmao I don't force anybody to read anything, do I? lol

Anyways, I hope you guys are having a good new year and I hope you guys make this year joyous and prosperous!

I felt bad about putting my hands on Victoria and I regretted it as soon as I did it but it's not like I can take it back now. I've just been so frustrated with her and her behavior that I didn't know what to do aside from putting my hands on her. It's not right but she was asking for it. She told me to do it, and I just did.

I've pretty much lost the little bit of respect I have left for Victoria, that's why it was so easy for me to put my hands on her. I don't know what her issue is but she's starting to act immature and selfish again, the same way she did in high school. I know her acting out is only to get attention but she needs to realize she's too old to be acting out to get my attention. I love her, so she doesn't have to do much to get my attention. If she wants my attention all she has to do is tell me and I'll drop everything for her. But I just don't see myself doing that with the way she's acting now.

As soon as I ran out of the restaurant, I got in my car and pulled off. I was just driving at this point, going nowhere in particular but I need to get my mind off of everything for awhile, mainly Victoria. The last thing I want to do is walk away from her when things are bad but it seems like the only thing I can do at this point. I can't keep putting up with her behavior and how awfully she treats the kids. Theodore is a big fuck up, and I understand that, but putting him out to feign for himself was taking it overboard.

Somehow, I found myself pulling up in the driveway of Mr. and Mrs. McDonald and I don't know why. I haven't talked to them since they first announced they were trying to take my kids away from them. I honestly don't have anything to say to them at this point. They're selfish and judgement just like their crazy daughter but I need to get some things off of my chest if I continue on the route I'm going.

Before I could even get out of my car, their butler was standing at the door waiting on me. I took a deep breath and climbed out of my car. I'm already here so I might as well go on inside. I walked up the porch steps, into the house and straight back to the den where I'm sure Mr. McDonald was at and sure enough he was sitting on the couch reading his Bible. He didn't even look up or acknowledge me when I walked in, so I decided to be the bigger person.

"Hello Mr. McDonald."

"Theodore," he replied, never looking away from his Bible.

"I came here to talk to you sir."

"I'm not in the mood to talk. I'm sure you remember the way to my front door. Find it and leave."

I sighed. "Look I apologize about what I said to you. It was completely out of line but you gotta understand where I'm coming from man. Both of my kids are in the hospital, Ava's gone off doing whatever the hell she's doing. I haven't heard from her in weeks since she turned her back on us. I've barely heard from Isaiah recently and I'm raising my grandson because my daughter doesn't even know she has a son or the situation she was in to get a son. You gotta understand where I'm coming from Mr. McDonald, I'm tired and I'm burned out with all this shit. And to top it all, Victoria's losing her mind on me. She doesn't see the kids in the hospital and she refuses to talk to Theodore. And every time we're out in public, she makes an ass out of herself. I just can't keep doing this."

So Far Gone (Urban) Book 8 | The Sideline SeriesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin