Chapter 42

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I'm still waiting on the cover for All or Nothing, and I've been waiting for 20 days. -_- This person is playing around with me. Guys please drop the names of people who do covers that can help me out.


I stood in the kitchen the next morning watching everybody eat breakfast with an unsettling feeling in my stomach. I don't know what happened last night but I could hear voices late last night coming from Grandpa's room. And as soon as those whispering voices disappeared, somebody left the house and didn't come back until five this morning. I don't know who left or what happened but something just doesn't feel right.

My fingers nervously tapped against my coffee cup as I looked towards Theodore, who had been acting too happy this morning. Normally, he's not this talkative in the morning because he's so sleepy but that would stand to reason that he was the one that left last night and when he got back at five, he never went back to sleep. Because when he came down for breakfast this morning, it looked like he hadn't been asleep all night. His eyes were red and puffy but I never said anything about it, because I didn't think anything bad about it but now I do and I'm gonna get down to the bottom of it.

"I'll be right back," I told them before I walked out of the kitchen.

I placed my coffee cup on top of the dining room table before I made my way upstairs. If I wanted to know what happened last night then all I'd have to do is look for myself while they're busy eating breakfast. They won't suspect a thing. Once I made it upstairs, I went straight to Theodore's room since he's been the most suspicious this morning. I grabbed the door knob, pushed his bedroom door open and was just about to walk into his room when something caught my eye.

I looked over at the door frame and could see something smeared across it. It was a rusty red color, almost the same color as blood gets when it's old and dried. I squinted my eyes, trying to get a closer look at whatever was smeared across the door frame but it was hard to see. It was so faint and light that I really couldn't see it unless light was shining directly on it.

Whatever it is, it's still a clue as to what happened last night or any other time I wasn't around. I walked into his bedroom that was somewhat messy since it had his and Princess' stuff in it. I looked around his room, trying to find anything out of place but everything looked normal. I sighed. Knowing Theodore, he probably kept everything looking normal so no one would get suspicious and come snooping through his stuff.

I walked through his room and to the bathroom that was connected to it. The bathroom looked normal too. I stepped into the steamy bathroom and looked around for anything out of place. Shit. Whatever was in here might be gone since the bathroom was used this morning. I bent down to the trashcan that was over flowing and looked inside of it. I took a deep breath, a little reluctant about putting my hand in here, but I just did it. I shifted through the can, looking for anything out of the norm. There were just balled up pieces of tissues and wrappers in here but nothing that was unusual or that would be able to explain what looked to be blood on his door frame.

I took a deep breath and stood up. Damn. He really knows how to cover his tracks. The next place I went was his nightstand that sat beside his bed. I pulled the top drawer open and only found old phone chargers, candy papers and Princess' toys. Nothing that would explain last night. I then went to the second draw and found nothing unusual. This draw had bands of money in it, but nothing unusual for around here. Grandpa always has bands of money laying around the house. I closed the draw and scrunched up my face when I felt that this one was a little bit heavier than the first two.

I pulled the draw out and could see a bloody shirt laying inside of it. I scrunched up my face and tried to pull the shirt out but it was being weighed down by something. I pulled the draw out all the way so I could see what's stopping me from pulling this shirt out. I unwrapped the shirt from whatever it was concealing and my eyes widened once I saw a gun covered in blood and the blood didn't look old. It looked fresh. This must be what he used last night. Did he kill somebody with this gun? Because that would explain why there's blood all over it, the shirt and on his door frame.

So Far Gone (Urban) Book 8 | The Sideline SeriesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon