Chapter 20

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Guys Isaiah isn't dead. As stated in the book, he is out of town lol Ava did NOT kill him but she did kill her husband, Adrian.

And for all the people that say they don't wanna read this anymore or they don't like the book anymore because of the direction it's going in or some other complaint along those lines, you don't have to read it honestly. Not to be rude or anything but I want this book to be as realistic as possible. And characters like Effrin, Sincere and even Charmaine can't live forever. All the characters can't live for ever while time is passing by. It's not possible, so somebody has to die eventually.

And in lighter news, I just want to say thank you to everybody for praying for my family. I never told you guys this but when my Dad had the heart attack and the seizures back in November, that's how we found out he has cancer. He was diagnosed with Stage 4 Brain and Lung Cancer, but as of Wednesday, his tumors have basically disappeared and he's almost cancer free. So, I just wanted to say thank you guys so much for always supporting me and my family, I really appreciate it.



I woke up in a bright hospital room. I don't know how much time had passed from that stupid dinner Sincere forced me to go to, but what I do know is that too much time passed if I've been sleep, even if I was only sleep for five minutes. I shouldn't be sleep, or even laid up in this hospital bed wasting my money. I should be out on these streets finding out who did this to my Sincere.

I know E.J. physically did it but he's not that smart. He has smarts but he doesn't have enough street smarts to carry out a plan like that and even sneak me in my own house and kill my wife right in front of me. I know he's following somebody else's orders because that's all he's ever been all his life. He's been a follower all of his life, never a leader, so I know somebody sent him to do that foul shit. I mean, who goes against their family to prove their worth? That's wack, and he's no son of mine.

Even though I was in pain from getting shot, I wasn't in that much pain not to be able to get myself together. I looked over at the nightstand sitting next to me and saw my clothes in a plastic bag with my phone sitting on top of the back. I grabbed my phone off of the nightstand and read the date. I took a sigh of relief. It was only the next morning, so I just slept through the night. I snatched the bag with my clothes and wallet off of the nightstand and placed them in my lap so I could take off this hospital gown.

I bit my lip, trying to stop the excruciating pain radiating through my body from getting shot in the shoulder and in the arm, and untied the strings on this gown. I have to get the fuck out of here and kill that nigga Baby. That weak ass nigga should've killed me when he had me in a vulnerable spot but now I'm out to get him killed, and I wanna do it myself. I've killed plenty of niggas in the past but he hurt me the most by taking the only important thing in my life away from me. Everybody knows just how much my Sincere meant, and still means to me, and for him to take her away from me, makes me angry. I want him dead and I want to make him suffer the most.

He couldn't even kill me when he had a clear shot. I was unarmed and I wasn't even protecting myself. I guess when his dumb ass went running out of my house, he thought I was dead but I'm never going out like that. That's how a punk gets taken out. And he's too weak to even realize he didn't shoot me in the chest like he probably thought he did.

I pulled my clothes over my body, slipped my phone into my pocket and climbed out of my bed. I grabbed my wallet out of the plastic bag it was in and peeled off a hundred dollars for the people here. By the time I'm done hunting these niggas down who sent Baby to kill Sincere, I'm not gonna be alive to pay any of these bills. I swear, I'll kill every last one of these niggas walking around California if that means avenging Sincere's death.

So Far Gone (Urban) Book 8 | The Sideline SeriesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant