Chapter 2 - First Day Of Class

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By the time Chase arrived at History class, Zoey had already chosen her seat. Walking towards the tables Chase chose a seat behind Zoey in the second row with a window to their right.

Class started with their teacher introducing himself and talking about World War II. Halfway through, Zoey looked around to see if the students were listening. Instead, she saw some girls whispering in the corner, most likely talking about girls stuff like their hair, clothes or nails she assumed. In another area, Zoey noticed a group of boys talking, perhaps about girls and sports. Out of the corner of her eye, she also observed some students looking at the front with either bored or sleepy faces.

Swerving behind her, she noticed that Chase was also about to sleep. Grinning rather naughtily, Zoey decided to try and wake him up. Scrunching a paper filled with doodles together while keeping an eye on her teacher who was facing the board, Zoey threw the paper ball at Chase. Startled, Chase's face fell on the table.


Immediately the whole class, even the students who were about to sleep, turned to stare at him, especially the teacher.

"Yes Chase?" asked their teacher crossly. "Is there a particular reason you have decided to interrupt the class from learning about the significance of World War II?"

Chase glared at Zoey angrily. "No, sir" he muttered. Zoey looked at him apologetically feeling rather guilty. She only meant to startle him into waking up, not to get him into trouble.

Finally, the bell rang indicating it was time for recess. Zoey gathered her books and headed outside but Chase was staying back so that the teacher can talk to him.

Zoey waited outside the classroom for Chase while he talked to their teacher. When Chase finally did come out of the classroom, he scolded Zoey for throwing the paper ball at him.  Zoey apologized profusely promising to try and make it up to him as they made their way towards the canteen.

While Zoey and Chase chose the food to eat for recess, an alarm from the speakers sounded indicating an announcement from the principal was made.

"Attention all students," began their principal. "Firstly, a warm welcome to all the students on the first day of the school year. I have a very important and exciting announcement to make. This year, the school board has decided to accept this opportunistic program open to all students where they will be able to take a 5 day and 4 night trip to Paris."

Immediately, the canteen broke into a chorus of excited whispers and conversations. Chase and Zoey looked at each other excitedly. A trip to Paris? What a steal!

"However, there are only a limited available number of students that can go and this trip comes with a heavy fee of $500. Therefore, all applications will be accepted by reviewing your grades and your behavioural reports made by each of your teachers. All of this has to be summited latest by the 3rd of March. Late applications will not be considered. For more information, please retrieve them from the administration office. Now onto further announcements...."

But nobody heard the rest of what the principal had to say as the entire canteen burst into a buzz about the Paris trip. Zoey squealed joyfully. "Paris Chase! Can you imagine?" "How amazing is that?" Her eyes gleamed dreamily.
Chase laughed. "Pretty amazing, that's what."

Biting into his apple as they made their way to an empty table. He and Zoey eagerly discussed about the trip, their plans and how to persuade their parents into letting them go.

After that, the whole day was filled with students gossiping and talking about the Paris program. The administrative office was also continuously filled to the brim with students. After wrestling through the big mess that was once the administration office after school, Chase and Zoey were able to collect a stack of statements and forms about the Paris trip and walked back home.

"By the way Zoey, I'm planning to get a bike soon for school. You can ride with me on the back if you want."

"That's great Chase! Sure beats waking up early for the bus too," replied Zoey pleased.

When Zoey and Chase finally got to their houses, they made a promise to call each other's phone after dinner to find out what their parent's response was to the trip.

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