Chapter 4 - Is This The Start?

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Zoey stared disbelievingly at Jonathan. Out of all people.... "Jonathan," she whispered. He looked at her weirdly, " You know my name?"

Realising what she said out loud, Zoey mentally slapped herself. "Yeah, we were in the same classes in middle school. Sorry I bumped into you."

"No, it's my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going. But maybe you should be more careful next time, you don't want to hurt yourself by reading and walking at the same time." He cracked a small smile at her.

"Yeah, you're right." Zoey laughed. "Where are you headed?"

"To the library, I'm looking for some reading material for for my English class assignment."

"Really? Me too! I mean to the library to read, not for an English assignment or any assignment really," Zoey blabbered. She stopped abruptly feeling rather ridiculous. She wanted to hit herself. Trying hard to compose herself by pushing down the sudden nervousness and excitement she felt bubbling in her stomach she asked as calmly as she could, "Do you wanna follow me? It's cool if you don't, just thought that you know, if we're going together, might as well." She secretly pinched herself to stop her blabbering mouth.

"Sure, why not?"

Zoey looked up to see his face grinning down at her. Her heart melted and she felt her face heat up. "Alright, great cool, let's go then." She gave him what she hoped looked like a casual smile and walked towards the library feeling like she was in a dream.

She couldn't believe that she and Jonathan were walking to the library together, it was like a dream come true. 

"So have you heard about the Paris program?"

"Yeah, in fact I will be going, my parents thought that this would be a great opportunity for me, especially if it gets me out from under their feet." He added jokingly.

Zoey felt her heart beat a thousand times faster. "No way, I'm going too!"

Jonathan looked at her surprised and smiled, "That's awesome, hopefully we can find some time to hang out."

"Yeah, that sounds ama-great! Yeah, really great." Zoey stammered, she felt her heart glow and adrenaline rush through her veins. 'I must be dreaming' she thought. 'Oh my, I hope not, please don't let this be a dream or at least don't let me wake up yet please, or like ever.' She prayed silently in her head.

As both Zoey and Jonathan entered the library together, unbeknownst to them, Chase had happened to see Zoey and Jonathan walk into the library together. Unable to control his curiosity and a sense of strangeness in his heart, Chase found himself following them. Hiding behind a row of bookshelves in a corner near their table, he settled down quietly and strained to hear their conversation.

Zoey and Jonathan talked about their lives, asking questions and making jokes. Finally, Jonathan asked  "So Zoey, what are your hobbies?"

"Hmm... well I love to play basketball, create art and write."

Jonathan looked at Zoey surprised about her love for such a sport. Jonathan had always thought that sports were only played by boys not girls.

Zoey saw the look on Jonathan's face and instantly recognised it .

"I know that face anywhere, girls can play too you know." Zoey glared feeling annoyed.

"I guess, but isn't it really weird for you?" asked Jonathan

"Not at all, I have fun playing the game, and there's nothing like feeling the adrenaline rush after a successful steal and when the ball goes straight into the basket." Zoey responded smiling slightly while reminiscing her emotions.

"But still you know, you are a girl and they are only boys." said Jonathan.

"Woah, wait... girls and boys can play any sport they like. Just because you are a certain gender, that doesn't mean you can't do whatever you want." Zoey snapped defensively with a strong attitude.

"Yeah but girls aren't as great as boys," replied Jonathan shrugging carelessly.

Zoey gaped at him upset and offended. Immediately, she got out of her chair and left the library, leaving behind a confused Jonathan. Chase shocked at the recent turn of the conversation and filled with concerned for his friend, quietly left the library quickly to catch up with Zoey.

Following her from afar, he saw Zoey sitting outside near the cafeteria as she cuddled her legs close to her chest and her head tilted upwards watching the cloudy sky. Walking up to her slowly, he sat down next to her. "Hey, are you okay?"

Zoey's voice croaked slightly, "Do you think I'm okay?" Gently, Chase placed Zoey's head on his shoulder. From afar, they both quietly watched a thunderstorm happening in front of them that was hitting a neighbourhood several blocks in front of their school.

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