Chapter 6 - Will She Accept Or Not?

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Zoey and Jonathan stood looking at each other, Zoey was holding a basketball and Jonathan was waiting for an answer.

Zoey looked at him thoughtfully her mind spinning "I will go out with you... but only if you defeat me in basketball," she finally replied smirking.

Jonathan's face broke out into a smile. "Deal."

Zoey and Jonathan walked back into the hall and settled the rules. Jonathan's net will be on the right and Zoey's net will be on the left. If Zoey wins, Jonathan will have to cook her a meal for lunch tomorrow, and if Jonathan wins he will take Zoey on a date.
Altogether, it will be the best of 10 wins

Zoey and Jonathan played for hours. Zoey started in the lead with 6 points and Jonathan with 5 points. 2 hours later, Zoey and Jonathan were caught within a tie, with 9 points on each side.

"Not bad we have equal points, but I'll win this round," Zoey taunted as she dribbled the ball.

Jonathan blocked her but twisting around, she found an opening to throw the ball into the hoop. Strategically, she bounced the ball around Jonathan, jumped and threw the ball. With bated breath, they both saw the ball bounce once and slowly circled around the ring, going straight inside the net.

Jonathan stared at the hoop with surprise written all over his face while his mouth hung open in amazement. She won.

"Ah ha ha! I beat you, I beat you... Now you will have to cook me a lunch tomorrow, that is our deal isn't it?" Zoey put on a smirk while tapping on her orange basketball.

"Okay, okay. I owe you one lunch tomorrow, what do you want?" Jonathan replied with a sigh.

"Well? Let see, I will like to have Japanese," Zoey responded squishing her face  adorably.

Chuckling, Jonathan agreed accepting his defeat. Picking up his things, Jonathan began to walk towards the door when he heard Zoey call him. "Wait a minute, we're not done talking. After all, what time can you fetch me?"

Jonathan looked at her confused and clueless "But, you beat me at basketball, why do I need to take you out still?"

"Cause, even though I beat you, that still doesn't mean that I don't want to go out on a date with you," she said smiling.

Jonathan laughed "Okay, you have a point there. I'll pick you up at 7 tonight, sound good?"

"Yup, I'll be ready by then."

Dreamily, Zoey walked out of the hall feeling like as if she was floating on air. As she neared the exit of the school, she saw Chase waiting for her outside. Zoey had forgotten that she promised him that they'll be walking home together. Hurrying herself, Zoey rushed towards him and almost fell down the stairs. Immediately, she felt a pair of familiar, strong hands quickly catch her before she fell.

"Zo, be careful next time okay? You almost fell down." Chase said worriedly. "Where were you? I've been waiting for hours, I was just about to leave."

"Sorry I'm late, I was playing basketball with Jonathan based on a bet." Zoey held a tiny smile on her face as she remembered while they both started the walk back.

"A bet? What kind of bet?" Chase asked suddenly feeling very concerned.

"We bet that if I win at basketball against him, he will have to make me lunch tomorrow and if he won he will take me out to dinner today."

At once, Chase stopped walking, "Wait what? So who won?"

"I did, of course" Zoey stated proudly.

"Oh okay, so you're not going out with him?"


"Wait, are you telling me that you and Jonathan are going out for dinner today?"

Zoey stopped and turn around " Well... yeah, after all I like him. And Chase, I've been dreaming about this moment since I first laid my eyes on him in middle school."

Chase suddenly felt really down and it was as if his heart was being squeezed slightly. "Right, okay." Chase murmured smoothly, making sure not to display any of the emotions he felt currently.

But as they both returned to their walk back home again, although neither one of them noticed being busy with their own thoughts in their heads, something has shifted into the air between them.

By 6:50pm, Zoey was getting ready for her date. In front of her laid two pretty t-shirts that matched her purple converse shoes. Finally she decided on a purple shirt with the words 'Have fun, and never bring sadness in your life' with the laugh emoji stamped on front.

By 7pm, Jonathan had reached Zoey's house. Jonathan was wearing a plain white shirt and a pair of black pants.

Breathing deeply, Jonathan rang the door bell which was answered by Zoey's sister.

"Hello, you must be Jonathan."

"Yes I am, nice to meet you. You must be Zoey's sister" said Jonathan with a big smile on his face.

"The one and only, come on in."

While waiting for Zoey, Jonathan took a look around the living room and noticed Zoey's baby pictures. While he took a closer look at them, a voice spoke up from behind him. "I know, I was very chubby back then."

Spinning around quickly, Jonathan felt his eyes grow wide and his jaw fall open.

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