Chapter Ten

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Daniel had to blink a few times before Mary's face came into focus. Their noses were practically touching. "Oh no," she panicked, pushing off his chest. "Are you okay?"

He touched the back of his head. "You know," he winced, "we've got to stop meeting like this."

Mary watched him slowly get up. "Sorry," she said. "It's usually the safest way to travel around here."

Daniel gulped at the steep incline of the stairs. "You did that on purpose?"

"It's how I polish the brass handrail." She shrugged, rubbing her bare arms.

"How long did it take you to learn that?" he asked. "I mean one little slip and—"

"It just takes practice," she interrupted. "Repetition means better technique."

"Uh-huh," he said, confused by her straight forward tone. He wondered if he should mention the argument considering he was on his way to intervene on her behalf—but she didn't look upset and questioning her about Jonathan would force him to confess that he'd been watching her on the monitor. What the hell was with him and spying on people tonight?

She rubbed her bare arms again. "," he said, holding out his shirt. "I didn't want you to be cold, so I thought, if you didn't have anything else to put on..." He left the sentence hanging.

"Is this yours too?" she asked.

"Well, yeah."

Mary pulled it on and ran her fingers up the sleeve. "It's soft." Her expression lightened. "Blanche would faint if she saw me in this," she said.

"No way, on you it works."

Mary looked like she was trying to decide if he was joking or not. "Actually," she started, "I came looking for you. I was wondering if you wanted some help."

He smiled, relieved he wasn't the only one lying tonight. "Oh, sure. me with what?"

"You mentioned Monique's missing necklace."

Daniel paused, trying to figure out how much he should divulge. "The thing is," he said, "she thinks another clerk stole it." He explained what Monique had told him, leaving out Stacey's name—he had no proof after all.

Mary twirled a strand of hair around her finger, then motioned for Daniel to follow her to Ladies Footwear. Cutting a path between the stiletto displays to the cashier's desk, she crouched down to study the shelves under the counter. Her hand lightly touched the various spines until she got to the binder labeled, Log Record of Packages Received. She opened the dark blue folder and traced her finger down the last page.

"And there it is," she said with an air of satisfaction. "Monique signed for a shipment of hiking boots that day."


"Look around," she explained. "It's only high heels and dress shoes here. Hiking boots belong in Sporting Goods."

"Which is on the second floor," he added.

"Very good." She smiled. His chest filled up, making him stand a little taller. They continued down the aisle and stopped in front of the display where Daniel first met Stacey. Two mannequins were dressed in brightly colored raincoats. Mary picked up a pair of abandoned rain boots covered with daisies.

"Are we going outside?" he asked.

"You'll see." Without any further clues to what she had planned, he followed her into the elevator. "Since Monique signed for the hiking boots," she began, "I'm guessing she carried them up herself—Saturday is the busiest shopping day of the week."

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