Chapter Twenty-eight

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The cool, rainy spring finally broke one sultry day, giving a sample of the hazy summer to come. Daniel walked through the store noticing the inside was also changing. One section of the Confectionery was dominated by various sizes of chocolate Easter Bunnies. Hundreds of pastel coloured eggs decorated the twinkling branches of the golden tree in the main foyer. Gift bags stuffed with tulips were scattered at the base. The slogan in glossy white letters on the side of each tote read, "See What's Coming up this spring at Willard's." 

Daniel also felt a change in his mood. He still carried his keychain, but had stopped checking with the Magic 8 Ball about the airport. Even though he only had a week left, he wanted the business regarding Maureen to be settled first.

Clara's awakening had brought a whole new energy to the store at night. She asked him to play for her every shift, coaxing him with compliments on how much he'd improved with all the practice. When she found out about his mother's extensive jazz collection, she was adamant that he bring records into work.

He had contacted Alice asking for certain boxes from storage, and to send them express. He remembered labelling all the important things. "Send anything with 'jazz' or 'Mom' written on the box," he'd told her.

Monique was finally back to work and had arranged to meet Daniel before her shift ended. He was still unsure about including her in his quest for information, but he'd already taken the initial step, and it was too late to turn back. A jumpy kind of nervousness came over him; he wondered if this was how a skydiver felt before they stepped out of the plane.

He found her at the makeup counter laughing with another clerk. "There you are!" she said. "I didn't recognize you with your shirt on."

The clerk and Monique did nothing to smother their giggles. He felt slightly betrayed and worried what else she'd told her friends about his antics that night. "You look like you're feeling better," he said, shyly.

Monique's attention was on the little blue bag with a gold W being passed over the counter by the clerk. She slipped beside Daniel and they walked toward the grand staircase. "The new summer line finally came in." She grinned. "Helen is so cool, she always keeps a few samples for me."

"Can we go somewhere and talk?"

"Talk?" she flirted.

Daniel's pulse sped up. The direction of the conversation was getting sticky. He ignored her hint and focused on Blanche's mystery. "I need some information," he said. Then, deciding a little flattery couldn't hurt, he added, "And there's no one at Willard's who knows more than you do."

She paused at the base of the stairs. "What kind of information?"

"It's about..." Daniel glanced around. "Stacey," he whispered.

"I knew it!" Her eyes lit up.

He led her up the stairs. "It's really important, but we can't talk about it here. Do you have time left on your break to have a coffee or something in the restaurant?"

"I'm not on break."

He stopped for a second. "Oh."

Reluctantly, he followed her to her cashier's station in Ladies' Fashions. Mary, now dressed in a pink pencil skirt, matching silk blouse, and high heels, was on her usual platform. Goosebumps covered his arms. It was bizarre to know that behind the vacant stare and unblinking eyes, Mary existed somehow. He peeked up at her from the corner of his eye, wondering if she knew he was near. Daniel waited for the flick of an eyelash or the blush of her cheek.

Monique stowed her bag of samples under the counter.

"Okay," she said, leaning on her elbows, anticipating a delicious tidbit of gossip. "Spill it!"

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