Chapter nine

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  • Dedicated to anyone who voted for my story :)

Sorry it took me so long guys :(


Erin p.o.v

It seems like the world is against me, WHY CAN'T I FIND A PERFECT DRESS??!!!

I screamed in frustration and flopped on my bed.

"You can't find a dress can you."

"Ya know you could knock Ryan." I said lifting my head off the bed.

"Its not like u were doing anything..... dress or shorts??" He asked while he took it upon himself to browse around my closet.

"Dress... Hey Ryan..."


"Did you hear about Allison's new mate?" I started to play with my hair.

"Yeah.... " He said as he walked further into my closet.

"You know who he is??"

"What is this 20 questions... Yeah I know who he is... which one?" He asked holding up a hot pink dress and black one.

"The hot pink one."

"Black one it is." He said throwing the pink one to the floor.

"Why ask for my opinion then?"

"Because I wanted you to think that you had a choice, now go take a shower while I go find the shoes."

I swear that boy gets on my nerve, but I couldn't live without him, Men. I scoffed at him and headed to the shower. I washed my hair with Logan's green apple shampoo since I ran out of mine. When I got out I rapped my self up in my towel and walked out. Ryan had laid out my out my outfit on my bed.

"Hurry up we are leaving in 30 minutes and I have to do your hair." Holly fudgecakes

"Jesus Christ you scared me Ryan and get out so I can get dressed!" I said while pushing him towards the door.

Before he left out I could have sworn I heard him say 'women' under his breath. I rolled my eyes and headed to my dresser and put on my strapless black lace bra with matching underwear.

"Hurry up Erin!" Jeez I swear Ryan can be pushy.

"Come in you old bat."

"You don't have on your dress yet?"


"Just.... Come on and let me do your hair." He said pushing me down in a chair. He started to work on my hair for a few minutes, then Allison came in and started to do my make-up

"You know I can do my own make up Alli." I mean seriously I they act like I do anything.

"Oh but we can do it better... now meet us downstairs u got 5 minutes to put on that dress." She said pulling Logan out of the room leaving me on my own. I sighed and put on my dress and the deadly heels Ryan put out. Before I left out I took a glance at myself in the mirror. I have to admit I looked good. They had really worked their magic. I headed out my room closing the door behind me. I took the elevator cause if I took the stairs I'd make it down but I would be lying at the bottom with a broken neck.

When the elevator got on the first floor I hopped off and walked out the door. Everyone was in a limo waiting for me. Well Allison was sitting on the roof with a bottle of champagne in her hand. When I got closer to the car Logan hopped out and held the door open for me.

"Wow.... You look.... Wow" he said checking me out with a hint of lust in his eyes.

"Well I have to say the same for you." He was wearing some denim jeans and a black t-shirt with a leather jacket, and you could almost see his 6-pack through his shirt which was a really turn on. He kissed my cheek as I got in the limo. There was just enough room for me but where- before I could say something Logan pulled me onto his lap.

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