Chapter Six: Cut It Out

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"This is not funny guys! Let us out!" You screamed, banging your fists on the wooden door of the closet.

Muffled voices sounded from afar until foot steps plummeted towards your direction.

"You won't be getting out until you two get along." It was Honey Lemon. You cursed under your breathe when you heard her walk away, her high heels clacking on the pavement.

"This is stupid," You leaned back against one corner, folding your arms and letting out deep sigh.

"Just like you." Hiro interjects into your self reserved conversation.

You scowled. "I was not talking to you, Hamada." You retaliated, pushing yourself further to your side to keep your legs from getting tangled with Hiro's.

Earlier before, Fred and the others agreed to keep you two in one tiny, compacted and smelly closet located in the garage. The light is limited in where you are, only a noodle string size of sunlight streaming over the crack of the closet. Though dark, you can still make out the outline of the person before you, which was unfortunately for you, is Hiro Hamada.

How unlucky of me.

"Then I'm worried. As you can see, we're the only ones here. If you're not talking to me, then who are you talking to? Don't tell me you're insane. I don't want to be stuck in here with a lunatic like you." Hiro mocks, scoffing. You couldn't see his face clearly yet you knew he was rolling his eyes.

Your blood boiled to the point where you are capable of barging out of the closet and toss Hiro into a hot burning bonfire. You ran both your hands through your messy (H/C) hair in frustration, some unwanted strands covering your remaining vision.

This is so frustrating. Inside a closet, with a person I hate the most, and he keeps making insulting comments about me. Ideal. Not.

"Why do you hate me?" You asked out of the blue, causing Hiro to choke on his own spit and the tension lingering in the air only grew worse. You're beginning to regret ever asking that question. "I mean, we only met yesterday at the bot fight, what made you hate me so badly?"

The awkward and atmosphere was almost unbearable,along with the deafening silence. In an instant, your hands felt sweaty and clammy for unknown reasons. It was somehow making you anxious, just sitting in an empty void of darkness with a person who can't stand being with you. It was like a curse.

"Why are you being so dramatic?" He raises a palm to your face when he caught you part your lips to speak,"Shut up for a few minutes, I need to get a reasonable answer for that." Hiro snaps.

You hands curled tightly and it took everything in your will and strength to refrain yourself from connecting your fist anywhere on Hiro's. Preferably on his gut but you stopped dead on your tracks. Awkward and tension filled minutes passed by in a blur for you found yourself falling into the pit of trance.

Due to the darkness, you can only make out a few things. Like your hands, your sneakers, and Hiro's handsome features. You caught yourself the moment that crossed your mind and an unsettling sensation churned your stomach.

Handsome? Geez, cut it out, (Y/N)! This is madness.

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