Chapter Seven: Cup Of Ramen

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You didn't know about it until now. Or maybe you were just too reckless and let some words slip out by accident. Either way, you know you hurt Hiro. You honestly thought you'd feel completed and satisfied by making pushing him to the edge, but that plan is frowned upon.

Hiro is in similar situation like you. He lost a brother, you lost a brother. He lost his parents, you lost your parents. The two of you are in the midst of coping for your lost and you can't help but feel guilty all over for making fun of him. Sure, he's an annoying and arrogant little piece of jerk but he's still human. He has feelings.

It's been two days, four hours, six minutes and eight seconds the last time you saw Hiro. Yes, you took track of the time.

You wanted to go back to Lucky Cat Cafe, in hopes to see him there and apologize.

But too bad your uncle is out of town for a few days and made you stay in the house. If that wasn't bad enough, he hired a baby sitter to look after you for the whole week he's gone. Of course, you being you, tried to reason with him how you are old enough to take care of yourself.

But his only response was

"I can't leave the house to you. Last time I did, the house nearly burned."

You rolled your eyes. It's not my fault why the fire alarm didn't work.

(FAVORITE COMEDY MOVIE) is playing on the television as you laid lazily on the couch, munching on a bowl of newly made popcorn. Just as you were reaching your favorite part of the movie, the door bell rang. You groaned, setting the bowl down and trudging towards the front door while muttering curses.

Okay, let's check the person who wants to die early.

Your hands encased on the doorknob and twisted it, swinging the door open. Your heart made a giant leap when you saw who was before you, standing on the porch with the same expression as yours.

"What are you doing here?" Hiro spat with knitted eyebrows.

Suddenly, the thought of apologizing to him seemed like the worst idea in the whole world. You bit your tongue to keep any regrettable insults to yourself but some words slipped out.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking that? You are the one in my household." You snapped with a venomous tone, digging your nails into the frame of the door. If you could, you would have destroyed the hinges of the door and swing it at Hiro, to end his whole existence. And to keep the world arrogant-free.

Hiro's glare sharpened before turning away, "I knew it was a bad idea volunteering to baby sit. If I knew it was you, I wouldn't have done it. I was going to apologize to you about two days ago but you don't look worthy enough." Hiro turns but stopped, "Oh, and just so you know, I don't blame your guardian not trusting you with the house. I would do the same." Hiro begins walking away, whistling a tune as he did. Before he could step foot out of your gate, you called after him, making him stop.

Unbeknownst to you, he was smirking.

"Wait! I'm. . ." You swallowed your pride and added, ". . . sorry, I shouldn't have said that to you. Nobody deserves to die in a fire. . . I was mean, I guess?" It was more like a question that statement.

Hiro smirk grew wider and he hid the satisfaction attached upon it as he turned to meet your (EYE COLOR) orbs. "Are you really sorry?" He asks playfully, wiggling his eyebrows.

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