Chapter Twenty Four: Too Far

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I know this story is inhumanely slow paced but there are just some things I need to settle before I could update once again. If it makes you feel any better, this story is coming to an end soon and I'm already writing the chapters beforehand so I hope you still stick by the ending.

Thank you.

Now to the story!


Have you ever experienced being in a state of shock?

Well, you sure hell did now.

Finding Hiro pacing back and about inside your room like an unnerving teenager that he has always been is one thing. But the way he lunged at you after noting your presence is undoubtedly questionable, especially if he's currently sitting on your chest to keep you stable on your uncomfortable position.

"Hiro," You started with growl, "I know you're desperate to explain things to me but aren't you taking things a little bit too far? Just a tiny bit far?"

Said fourteen year old didn't seem fazed by your calmly yet insulting words and dared to stare back into your [Eye Color] eyes. "I'm not getting off you until you hear me out."

You frowned. All burden came crashing back down to you and soon, you were writhing under his weight. "Get your ass off me, Hamada! I don't wanna talk to you or even look at your pathetic face!"

"Please! I need to explain! You deserve it!" Hiro's voice was pleading and this nearly got you forgiving him.

"Well, I don't want it so keep it to yourself and leave me alone! Isn't it enough you already lied to me?!" You yelled. It did hurt, a lot, to find out for own friends have bee keeping a secret behind your back so why should you let him ease his conscience that quickly? Not to mention your special feelings for him.

Suffer, you little glitch.

"That's why I'm here to apologize and explai-- stop struggling, damn it! You'll only make it harder for both of us!" Hiro spouted, obviously having a hard time trying to keep you "tamed".

"Like I care!" You screamed back.

This cycle continued for minutes and miraculously, your uncle didn't seem to hear any of it. As you were struggling underneath Hiro's weight, you began to realize the reality slowly. Glancing down with a grim expression, you noticed only had a white towel wrapped around your body.

"Hiro!" You exclaimed, more aware of the future. "I'm serious! Get off me!"

"Never!" He barked back.

Why is this boy cursed with a stubborn mind? If, he even has one, that it.

You attempted to push him off you but when you felt the fabric covering your body move, you stopped, pink dusting on your cheeks. "Hiro, for a prodigy, you sure are stupid enough not to realize my situation." You snapped lightly.

Hiro seemed confused by your words for he titled his head ever so lightly to one side and stared at you. "How so?"

"Oh, I don't know," You hissed in a matter-of-fact manner, "Maybe it's because I just got out of the shower and I'm only wearing a towel. What would my uncle say when he sees us both? Especially with our position." You gestured.

I'm inside my room,

wearing only a towel,

that barely covers my body,

with a boy,

who unfortunately has to be Hiro,

with him on top of me.

Well this is getting kinky really fast.

Alarmed, Hiro looked down and instantly flushed deep crimson. He begin sputtering out nonsense, hands fumbling around unconsciously. "Well, I'm damned." He uttered. He began moving, getting of you. "I am so sorry, (Y/N)--"

And at that moment, Hiro lost his footing and fell back on you, his hands, purposely or not, landing on your chest. Awkward silence surrounded the room completely, your faces red with embarrassment, but yours mixed with anger.

If it was possible for humankind, Hiro would have been mistaken as a ripe tomato. "Huh, and I thought you were flat chested."

Only Hiro's terrified screamed echoed throughout your house as you showered him with painful punches. And maybe a kick on his happy place.


Hiro returned back to the cafe, bruises littering his whole arms and face. Cass and the whole gang gasped in bewilderment at his state.

"So, I'm guessing you two had a fun time back at her place?" Gogo snorted out after overcoming her shock.

"I hope they weren't too loud." Fred added.

Honey flushed while Wasabi chocked on his tea. Kathryn, however, was frowning.

Hiro flashed them an unamused look before turning to his aunt. "I know love hurts, but I didn't think it would be this painful."

Cads smiled sadly. "Oh Hiro," She walked over to him and hugged him lovingly. "Everything will be alright. Whatever your problem is with her, surely it will be resolved."

"Peacefully, I hope." Honey interjects.

Kathryn sigh. "It is painful, especially if you're in love with (Y/N)."

Hiro rolled his eyes. "Well, I apologize for falling in love with (Y/N) then." With that, Hiro stormed upstairs.


Oh! So this chapter shows how Hiro really feels about you!


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See you on the next chapter!


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