Chapter 6

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I wake up in my bed in JJ's bedroom. JJ must've brought me up here last night after he was finished recording. A smile grows on my face thinking about JJ. My eyes dart across the room to JJ's bed. He's sleeping peacefully, only his head is out of the covers. When I see that he's all bundled up I notice I'm freezing cold, could you blame me? Its the middle of January and I'm only under a sheet and a blanket. I slowly sit up and stretch before waddling over to JJ's bed. I carefully pick up the blankets and get under them. A wave of warmth flows through me. I snuggle into him until I can't get any closer. When I fall back asleep a smile is plastered on my face.

JJ's Pov

I wake up to see that Emma is in my bed. I wonder for a second why shes there before deciding I honestly don't care. It's almost 10 am so I decide not to go to school, Emma's not going anyways so there's nothing more interesting there then there is right here in front of me. I slowly get out of bed, trying not to wake her up and walk over to my computer desk. I pick up my phone and go on Twitter for a bit before editing another video.
"Good morning Jide." I hear Emma say in an adorable morning voice. I spin my chair around so that I'm facing her. She looks gorgeous for just waking up. I smile at her uncontrollably before responding.
"Good morning sleepy head." I say. She walks closer to me until she's inches away.
"Shouldn't you be at school?" She asks with a smirk.
"I thought theres no point in going if you're not there." I respond. She smiles before changing the topic.
"What are you editing?" She asks.
"Just a pack opening video, also since I'm not going to school I'm going to go to the recording studio around 2, I'll be back around 5 probably." I tell her.
"Okay, I'm going downstairs to find food, I'm starved!" She tells me dramatically before trudging out of the room.

Emma's Pov

I walk downstairs and see Simon and Josh in the kitchen.
"Hey guys." I say, tiredly.
"Hey, did you sleep well?" Josh asks.
"Never better. Do you guys ever have any food?" I ask, looking inside the virtually empty refrigerator.
"Rarely. When we do buy food its either eaten almost immediately or used in a challenge video." Simon tells me, "Josh and I were going to go grocery shopping later if you want to go with, since JJ won't be home and all."
"Sure, sounds good." I agree before grabbing a half empty bottle of Gatorade, "I don't know who's this is but I'm going to drink it."
"Okay, I think it's Ethan's anyways so it's fine." Simon tells me. I smile at him before going back upstairs to get ready for the day.

Once I'm out of the shower I remember that I forgot to bring clothes into the bathroom to change into so I have to walk to JJ's room in just a towel. Of course when I open JJ's door the whole fucking house is chilling in JJ's room. Well, not the whole house, just Ethan, Simon, Vik, Josh, Tobi, Deji and obviously JJ.
"Oh, um, hi." I say awkwardly. They all turn to look at me, most of their eyes bulge out of their heads. JJ quickly brings me a pair of his sweatpants and a sweater out of jealousy that his friends get to see me like this too.
"Here's some clothes, nothing to see here boys." JJ announces.
"Thanks for the help Jide, but I need a bra and underwear too." I say.
"Here I'll get them." Deji offers. He pulls out a black lacy thong and matching bra set and throws them to me, "JJ should like those ones." He laughs.
"Thats what I was thinking when I bought them." I say before winking at him and walking out of the room. When I close the door I hear JJ attack Deji but I just laugh and get changed. I do my makeup and hair while I'm in the bathroom too, since I could actually remember to bring those things in with me. When I get back to JJ's room its just him and Simon.
"Hey guys." I say before going on my phone.
"You look good." JJ states, staring at me. I look back up at him and pretend to pose.
"Oh! Emma, its just going to be you and I grocery shopping today, Josh is going to stay home and record." Simon tells me.
"Thats fine. When are we leaving?" I respond.
"In like, 15 minutes, sound good?" He asks.
"Yep sounds like a plan." I respond quickly.

When Simon and I get to Tesco's he pulls out the list of groceries to buy: Bread, eggs, chicken, cereal, cheese, milk, red bull, stuff like that. We walk around the store picking all of the stuff out and some other things not on the list. Simon's on a health kick right now so we buy a lot of fruits and vegetables too. After we check out Simon decides to go to the liquor store since "the stash is getting low". We spend more time in there then we did in the grocery store, saying the names of all the drinks in funny accents. After we're done in there we go to mcdonalds - talk about a health kick, huh? - and get french fries because they're good. We get home around 4 o'clock and Simon decides to go record. I plop myself onto the couch and go on netflix. I decide to watch Freaks and Geeks and after a few minutes Deji joins me.
"Have you ever seen Freaks and Geeks?" I ask, pausing the episode.
"No, is it any good?" Deji responds.
"It's just possibly my favourite show of all time, no biggie." I tell him.
"Okay then lets watch an episode." Deji says.
"Okay well we're going to have to start from the beginning." I tell him before pressing play of episode one and sinking into the couch.

When Jide gets home Simon makes us all a stir-fry that actually tastes pretty good, of course the guys tell him it tastes like shit just to make him mad. I watch as they all argue how gross it is on a scale of 1-10 and Simon tries to defend himself. Eventually Tobi throws a piece of broccoli across the kitchen at Simon which causes Simon to throw Tobi's Cocoa puffs out the kitchen window. Tobi runs outside in his bare feet and mourns the loss of his precious cereal by spelling out "Fuck You Simon" in cocoa puffs in the backyard. All of the guys take a picture and tweet it except for Tobi, he just sighs and gets in his car. 20 minutes later Tobi comes back home with more Cocoa Puffs but locks them in his car to make sure they stay safe.

After all of the shenanigans are over the guys all need to record or edit again so I watch another two episodes of Freaks and Geeks with Deji.
"Hey, I, um, I'm glad you're back with JJ." Deji stutters.
"Yeah me too." I tell him.
"He's really happy now, it's obvious how happy you make him." Deji tells me.
"He makes me happy too, Dej, its a two way street." I respond.
"I'm really glad to hear that, I just hope he doesn't fuck it up this time." Deji says.
"Yeah, me too."

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