Chapter 8

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The past few weeks were good up to yesterday. JJ and I were closer than ever. I stayed with him and the sidemen every night and everything seemed to be perfect. JJ and I made videos together every couple days and I helped him with his school work, so his grades were going up. Except for yesterday, I got a call from my dad. He had heard about how the house was under construction and he wants Caleb and I to go stay with him in New York. I really didn't want to, but its not like we can say no, we barely see him and he's our father. So thats why I'm packing right now. I'm just packing all the stuff I have at the sidemen house because I don't want to go to my house to get stuff. Caleb is downstairs with some of the guys and I'm in JJ's room with him.
"Hey, you'll text me right?" He asks for the fourth or fifth time.
"Yes. Of course I will. I'm only going for a few weeks." I respond for the fourth or fifth time as well.
"I'm just nervous. I don't want to lose you over this." He tells me. I stop what I'm doing and walk over to him.
"You're not going to lose me. Think of it like I'm just going on vacation. And I won't be meeting a lot of people, I have a ton of school work to do there so I won't have a lot of time to go out. Anyways, I only want you, Jide, don't worry." I tell him, holding his hands. He smiles back at me.
"Okay. If anything happens I'll be on the first flight out there." He tells me with a grin.
"I know you will. Now I need to finish packing." I tell him, walking back over to my suit case.
"We gave your brother a ton of Sidemen clothes." He says.
"I'm sure he'll wear them 24/7." I laugh. My brother loves them almost as much as I do. Caleb has been getting to know them better over the past few weeks, him and JJ are really close, it's kind of scary how close they are to be honest.
"Here." He says, dropping a pile of clothes into my huge suitcase. It's a bunch of shirts he wears and some joggers, "You can wear them if you miss me."
"Well I'll miss you all the time so they'll be pretty worn out when I get back." I say. I zip my suitcase closed and pick it up.
"Hey one more thing. This was a bit rushed since I only found out you had to leave yesterday, but here, I got you this." He says, handing me a  silver necklace. It has a a heart on the end with crystals in it, "I was going to get it in gold but it didn't look as good." I stare at the gorgeous necklace.
"It's beautiful Jide, Thank you." I say, hugging him, "Can you put it on me?" I ask. He nods and I hand him the necklace. He places it around my neck easily since I have my hair in a pony tail. I turn around so he can see me with it on.
"You make it look gorgeous," He smiles, "Here" he says and puts the necklace so it hangs under my shirt, "It doesn't exactly match a Sidemen sweatshirt very well."
"I would wear it even if it didn't." I tell him, "Okay enough with the lovey dovey stuff." I laugh.
"Okay, are you done packing?" He asks. I look around the room.
"Yeah I think so." I tell him. I grab my backpack with mine and brothers passports, plane tickets and a bunch of other stuff in it and sling it onto my back. I go to grab my suit case but JJ grabs it first and motions me out the door. I walk out and we walk down the stairs. I see Caleb sitting in the kitchen with Tobi.
"Okay the uber is out there now Caleb, lets go." I say. He gets up and pulls his suitcase behind him as he walks over to me. The guys all come in and I hug them all and Caleb does that guy hug thing. After I hug all the guys I hug JJ especially tight.
"Don't skip school and don't do anything stupid, because I'll find out about it. If you need help with your homework, facetime me, actually, facetime me whenever you can." I tell him.
"I will." He agrees.
"Good." I respond quickly before pecking his lips and letting go of him. I wave goodbye to the guys and walk out of the door to the uber. Caleb and I both climb in the back and I tell him to go to the airport. On the way there I talk with Caleb about dad and how he shouldn't be surprised if he's dating someone and if he is dating someone, they're in their 20's.

Once we get to the airport we go through security quickly and then get food. While we're eating I go on my phone to text JJ.

me~im through security and now im eating a Caesar salad.
jide💘~im drinking a red bull and editing a video.
me~i might grab a red bull before i get on the plane, i barely slept last night.
jide💘~ I know, I heard you tossing and turning all night XD
me~ sorry! anyways, i gotta go, caleb is nagging me to pay attention to him. ill text you later.

"Sorry Caleb, I was texting JJ." I apologize.
"It's okay. I said what number is our flight?" He asks.
"Uh, 9217." I tell him, looking at the tickets.
"Okay than we have to leave, its boarding." He tells me. We quickly stand up and hurry to our gate and get in line to board the plane.

We sit beside each other. Since it was a last minute thing that we were going to NY, we have a sketchy plane. It's not very big and the thing rattles a bit. JJ offered to pay for us to take a better plane, but it wouldn't leave until Tuesday instead of Sunday (today), also I couldn't take his money like that, we'll be fine on this plane. JJ spends too much money on me anyways, he always buying me things or taking me out to dinner and he never lets me pay for anything, even though I got a job just after the house caught on fire. I work almost everyday for 5-6 hours but he still doesn't let me pay. I'm going to buy him a pair of shoes in New York that he's been looking at for awhile but won't buy because he "doesn't need anymore shoes".
"Miss? Do you want any water or soda? We also have sunflower seeds and gummies if you'd like." She asks with a fake smile.
"I'll have water and gummies, and can I have sunflower seeds and a water for him?" I ask, motioning to Caleb who is fast asleep, with his head on my shoulder. She nods and passes me two water bottles and two packages of food. I put both water bottles in the pouch in the back of the seat in front of Caleb and drop both packages of food in there too. I put my headphones in and tilt my head to the side so my heads on his. I close my eyes and quickly fall asleep.

I open my eyes lazily. I hear the pilot on the intercom talking about how we'll be landing soon so we should buckle our seatbelts. I do as he says and wake Caleb up too.
"That flight seemed to go quickly." He says in his scratchy morning voice.
"Yeah that's because you slept through the whole thing. If you're hungry theres food and water in front of you." I tell him. His hand darts to the pouch and pulls out the food and a water bottle. I grab the other one and take a long sip. I watch blankly as he chows down. JJ would probably do the same. He looked up at me with one eyebrow cocked.
"Are you hungry?" He asks.
"Oh, no." I answer.
"Have you eaten?" He says.
"Not since we were at the airport." I respond.
"Emma, its been 8 hours! You should eat." He tells me.
"I'm not really hungry. I'll eat when we get to Dad's." I tell him.
"If you don't I'll tell JJ that you're not eating." He threatens. I laugh.
"Okay, but you won't need to do that. Dad is rich so he'll have good food." I tell him.
"Like caviar and champagne?" Caleb asks.
"Maybe, but if thats all he has in his fridge, we can go out." I tell him before pilot comes back onto the intercom.
"Okay passengers, we're getting ready to land. You'll be off of this plane in 30 minutes. Enjoy your stay in New York, The City Where Dreams Come True." He says. Caleb nudges me.
"Isn't that what they call Disneyworld too?" He whispers to me, since a flight attendant was right beside us. I laugh and buckle my seat belt, preparing to land in New York.

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