Let the torture begin...

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Ok, so from now on it will be Katniss pov unless I have put in brackets that its someone else's , i'm gunna try and make this chapter longer than the first. Read and enjoy. My ideas are linked to the books written by Suzanne Collins

(In the capitol holding cell somewhere beneath Snows mansion)

Everything's so dark. I blink trying to make sense of where I am. Sitting up I see bars and start to get scared. I just sat there waiting for something to happen, but nothing does. Two days have gone by and still no one. I get half a loaf of bread a day and a small plastic cup of water. Who ever captured me doesn't want me dead.

After all this time I still have so many unanswered questions in my head 'where's my family? What happened to the arena and the games? Where is everyone else and the most important on is Where is Peeta?'

2 hours later I hear footsteps and its Joanna and someone who I don't recognise. I move towards the door and wanting to see if they're all right. So far they look fine, Johanna is a little bruised but who cares, she tried to kill me in the arena. The girl with her though, she looks familiar. But I cant quite put my finger on it.

My door opens and both Johanna and the other girl are thrown inside with me. But before I can talk to Johanna asking what happened I feel a dart fly into my neck. Surprised enough I pulled it out and the world started slipping away leaving me in complete blackness. The next thing I know I wake up staring into the eyes of the devil, the scent of blood and roses crawled up my nostrils and terrified what might happen next. It was Snow.

"So Ms. Everdeen, what do you have to say for yourself, you've ruined my games" Snow said this with a extreme stern voice.

I replied sarcastically "Oh I don't know maybe I just wanted to piss you off, ever think of that" saying this gave me a huge slap in the face and I could feel my blood boiling around the wound.

"Don't get snappy with me Ms. Everdeen, or you'll be risking your boyfriends future"

I stared at him and said "What do you want!!"

"I want many things miss Everdeen but for right not your needed on camera" "What?" "you heard me tonight you will be having an interview with Caesar and telling the whole of panem to stop this war...you will call for a cease fire. Do you here me?"

I nod saying yes and he say with a stern smile "isn't that good new, SLAVES!!! taken Ms. Everdeen back to her cell" walking out I feel relived but scared to, I don't wanna tell everyone that the rebels should stop. The capitol needs to go down. They must have drugged me again because the next thing I know i'm waking up with my head in the woman I don't knows lap. And I feel a slight headache coming on.

I slowly make my way into a sitting position and Johanna immediately asks "Katniss are you alright. What did they do to you" I looked at Johanna puzzled and she could tell. With a comeback "I thought you hated me? why would you care". Smiling she gets out "Katniss, I could never hate you, I only stabbed you to get that chip out and the rest was just for the cameras". I looked at her with a quizzical eye and I know she's telling the truth.

Peeta Safe ... Katniss CapturedWhere stories live. Discover now