Not who i thought he was

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Hello, people sorry I forgot to make the next chapter the other day. I've been pretty busy but right now i'm trying to make a long chapter but if I don't ill add another chapter right after I post this one. Have fun reading let me know what you think, I haven't had any reviews yet which makes me down but i'm enjoying creating this story. Katniss POV

Its been 4 straight weeks, the same things over and over again. The same routine. Everything the same.

The only difference is that they've started to make Johanna and Annie watch as i'm ripped apart by various things. Today seem different today though. When I woke up I found myself in a different type of room, there was a large projector screen and a silver tray full of various liquid syringes. 'Great I wonder what will happen next they've already scared me for life now what'.

Just as I finish thinking to myself the old hag president snow comes it. More stinky than usual. Probably cause he's killed a bunch more people. Wouldn't surprise me at all, its in his nature. 

Katniss: So, president snow what's in store today, maybe killing me would service.

Snow: Oh, come on miss Everdeen you know I would never kill you, at least not yet.

Katniss: Whatever, but seriously what's in store?

Unknown doctor: Well miss Everdeen we'll be trying something completely new on you today can you guess what it is?

Katniss: I hate guessing just spit it out!

Snow: Lets just say i'm taking away your precious memories of that dear boy Peeta Mellark.

Katniss:(staring at him and trying to get out of the silver bed i'm in) No, anything but that please. I love him don't take that away to.

Snow: You should know me by now miss Everdeen. Of course i'm gunna take that away to just like you did with my games.

The doctors are preparing the syringes with a thick black substance. I'm sat up but still tied to the sable. My worst fears were about to come true. My memories of the boy I love will be gone in less than 2 minutes. Snows already turned the screen on and the think black substance has been forced into my system. The pain is unbearable. Its like all my nerves are on fire, before I can make another breath the screen turns on and images start to fills my head.

Video: Its the 74th hunger games and there's still 11 tributes left. I've just run away from a fireball death landing in the river. My leg is killing me but this water has given me a short period of relief. But then in the distance was Cato, Clove, Glimmer, Marvel and PEETA! He want to kill me. He doesn't love me, it was all for the cameras. how could I be so stupid. As soon as they saw me I ran as fast as I could and climbed a tree. Luckily none of them can get to me. But the look in Peeta's eye are pure hate and death.

Katniss: I cant believe I don't remember this, he tried to kill me

Snow: I tried to tell you, Peeta never loved you all he wants is for you dead

Tears start to fall down my face. For hours i'm watching clips of when Peeta tried to kill me. There's so many things that have slipped my mind. I don't love him, how could I after everything he's done to me. He even destroyed my home, District 12. He's a mutt and he will pay for what he did to me.

Snow: Ok, now that out of the way I think we should start your daily torture again don't you.

Katniss: whatever

Johanna POV

Ever since that day they took her she's been different. I cant quite put my finger on it. She never talks anymore, just stares into space. I wish I knew what was happening to her. But she looks terrible, her pulse is weak, if she goes through another day like the past 3 month she could die with us and we'll have to watch her body decay.

She's asleep that's good.

3 hours later a peacekeeper has come to take her away lifting her lifeless body through the doors. Where has she gone?

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