The Interview

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Ok, so this is the 4th chapter now I think and i's could be a good one. Will Katniss speak the truth or obey Snow's wishes, read to find out. The interview will also be captured on this page as well so i'm hoping this chapter will be a long one to make up for the last chapter. Copyright issues are on page 1 & 2

Katniss POV

I walk in to a pure white room with a single silver table. And there stands someone I thought I had lost forever...

Katniss: CINNA!!! (leaping into his arms to give his the biggest hug he ever had from me)

(Cinna smile and returns the hug)

Cinna: Nice to see you again 'Girl on Fire'

(we break apart our hug but I didn't want to, I don't want to lose him again especially like last time)


(We were in the small rooms with a pod that would eventually take me up into the arena)

Katniss: Cinna i'm so scared, what if everything goes wrong and I cant save Peeta?

Cinna: (with calmness in his tone) Katniss you and Peeta will be fine, i'm still betting on you girl on fire.

I smile and slowly make my way to the pod but before I jump in I give Cinna a big hug and I could see a tear rolling down his eye. Cinna never cry's... but he must realise my plan. I plan to save Peeta but sacrificing my life in the process.

I hoist myself into the pod and instantly feel trapped. The countdown has begun, but before I am lifted to my death. I see 3 peacekeepers barging through the door and beat Cinna to a bloody pulp. I instantly feel gone, like my whole life was just ripped out of me. But this was Snows plan. He was trying to brake me.


Cinna: Come on Katniss we need to get you ready for you interview with Caesar.

One hour later both the wounds have been remarkably hidden and I have a very stylish white and red dress on. This dress was beautiful and I hate wearing dresses which is a lot coming from me. The dress was knee length with strands of red see through fabric flaying on the bottom part, this dress was strapless and the see through red fabric was made into a gorgeous belt. Cinna made a few finishing touch ups to both my hair (which was in my traditional side braid like it always is) and he placed my mockingjay pin over my breast and were all set. But thankfully it wasn't a poufy dress like Glimmers was last year, I have a more one fabric silk which shows how much weight has been lost because of snow.

Peeta's POV

Coin's called a meeting and I have no idea why, maybe its about Katniss? I bet it isn't about her being rescued when ever I ask her to gather people to save the victors. She just dismisses me and says 'I'm sorry Mr. Mellark but you know its just to risky at the point in time'. I swear that women hate Katniss.

Down the hall I catch up to Haymitch

Peeta: Hey, Haymitch...Do you know what this meetings about?

Haymitch: Hi, boy...As far as I know its about a mandatory viewing from the Capitol.

Peeta: Haymitch, do you think it could be about Katniss

Haymitch: It must be, the capitols been all over it the last few days

As soon as Haymitch and I reached the door everyone had already arrived. I sat between Mrs. Everdeen and Prim. Holding my hand for comfort. A three way beep was starting which meant the interview was about to start.

Katniss POV (The interview)

I'm standing just of stage and I feel extremely scared about my decision but I know its the right choice...

Caesar: Welcome everybody...Katniss Everdeen the winner of the 74th hunger games!!! (crowd cheers loud and there's even crying)

I walk up on stage like it was my very first interview, stage fright was coming back. But breathing calmed me down.

Katniss: Hey are you?

Caesar: I am very well thank you, so Katniss lets get started. I heard about your baby. It must be terrible to lose ones child.

Katniss: Yeah, its been pretty hard but I just get through every moment as it comes along, but other than that I feel fine.

Caesar: I'm glad to hear that, now there's one question I'm sure the audience has been dying to hear. What do you think of the war that's going on?...

Katniss: Well Caesar, in all honestly I think that.... (paused thinking about what choice to make)

Caesar: What's wrong Katniss, why did you stop. What do you think about this war?

Katniss: Caesar, I'm gunna be straight with everyone... (tears start coming down my face as I speak) The truth is the Capitol's hell, there's beatings, practically no food, torture and this war is FAIR and this rebellion is needed. People of Panem, you need to fight and win this war. If you don't the hunger games will continue and we will still be slaves to the Capitol. (My whole body starts to shivering and more tear fall down my face but I wipe some of them as I go along) Being here the last 2 weeks is like the hunger games all over again but it never ends.

Caesar: Katniss, do you have anything truthful to say to Peeta?

Katniss: (my tears just run freely now) Yes..., Peeta I love you with all my heart, and ill never stop loving you. And now that I've said all this means ill be.... ill be taken back to hell but its worth it for your freedom Peeta. Win the war and I know we'll see each other again one day. I'll miss you.

I turn around and walk off but the camera gets shots of my whipping scars showing I wasn't lying. Now its just a case of what happens to me next?

Hey, guys. So I hope you liked this chapter, I know I do. Leave some comments and questions if needed. Also remember to follow!!! Yey. Tomorrow ill do another chapter and put it up. Stay tuned.

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