Random BioShock Poem

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Once upon a dark noon night,
there was nothing, just the light;
Andrew Ryan sat in his chair,
with only a screen there.

A screen sizzled and crackled,
With laughing like a Jackal;
He shook his head and said,
"Nothing, just a splicer threat."

The next screen had done the same,
and Andrew thought it was lame;
He was about to yell at in the intercome
Til he saw a certain pawn.

Peach Wilkins and the one,
Who had stolen Ryan's son;
There was Andrew's pain,
The infamous Frank Fontaine.

"Here for my city, no doubt,
You can't have it so pout;
Not even with my age, a pity,
You will never have my city!"


Debating whether or not if I'm going to unpublish Gracie Ryan knows all and just make that a story after Belle's. I probably am going to so here's the poem from it. :) Do not steal it.

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