**Rex's Birthday Special**

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A/N: (yes that is the adorable Pusheen up above, and why you ask?) It's Rex's birthday!! Well technically it was yesterday, March 13th, but I was so busy I couldn't type this up in time. So technically it's a belated birthday special but he's happy it's here anyway. Everyone wish him a Happy Happy Birthday! Hope you enjoy the special (I had to type it up on my phone so sorry for any weird autocorrects) and please comment as you go, I love to see your reactions!

Rex's tongue stuck out of his mouth in concentration, revealing the flat tips of his pale teeth. He pulled on the roll of duct tape and stretched it carefully over the cardboard base of the object in front of him. He ripped the tape with sudden force and tossed the roll into his bag. He looked at his silver-coated creation and grinned with pride. He jumped from the perch on the large rock and landed perfectly on the ground.

With a prideful giggle, he cautiously waved the cardboard around, testing it. When he was satisfied he placed it into a long, flat box at the base of the rock. Rex pulled a ribbon from his bag and began to tie it around the box.

Rex didn't notice the fugues creeping up behind him. He couldn't hear the person's carefully placed footsteps, avoiding dead branches and the icy remnants of the winter that wasn't quite over. Rex was too focused on making the perfect now on top of his box that he couldn't have sensed the person just one foot behind him, who extended dirt-smudged hands to the child's neck.

"IIIII... got you!" The figure flung themselves at Rex.

Rex quickly dived to the side, holding his box, causing the other figure to stumble and wipe out in the dirt.

"No you doooon't!" Rex chimed in a sing-song voice. "The miraculous Thorn misses again!"

"You buttface!" A child identical to Rex popped up from the ground. "There's no way you heard me that time!"

"I can sense you coming..." Rex wiggled his fingers and spoke in a campfire story voice. "With my twiiiin sense!"

Thorn punched Rex's arm. "No you can't. You made that up, buttface."

"If I have a butt for a face, you also have a butt for a face. Dummy." Rex stuck his tongue out.

"No..." Thorn frowned. "You... no."

Rex laughed and extended the box to Thorn. "Happy birthday, dummy."

Thorn smiled again. He pulled a small brown paper bag from his hoodie pocket and traded it for the box.

"Happy Birthday, buttface."

Rex grinned a mile wide. Thorn couldn't help but smile sheepishly back. Rex gently opened the folded down paper as Thorn tore in to the white box. Thorn lifted a carefully crafted duct-tape and cardboard sword. His eyes lit up instantly.

"Did you make this?"

Rex nodded vigorously. "Do you like it? Now we can slay the dragon together!"

Thorn's bottom lip quivered and he swallowed. "And we can spar without me hurting you."

Rex beamed in response.

"I love it." Thorn said to the ground. "Thank you."

Rex nodded and hummed a short answer before opening the last wrapped facial tissue surrounding his present. His eyebrows knotted together like two snakes who were fighting. He lifted out the object with two thin fingers. A shining gold ring with small red stones along the band was hung around a chain of the same color. Rex's eyes met Thorn's and raised unspoken questions.

"Where did you--"

"It's a ring." Thorn interrupted. "But it's too big right now so you can wear it as a necklace."

Thorn grabbed the chain from Rex and walked around behind him, fastening it around his neck. Rex held the band as Thorne fiddled with the clasp.

"Thorn... how--"

"Savings." Thorn lied.

He clasped it and faces his brother towards him. Thorn smiled.

"Do you like it?" He asked.

"Why did you give me this?" Rex asked quietly.

Thorn's eyes widened and he looked at the ground. Neither of the twins dared to look each other in the eye.

"Well if..." Thorn gulped. "If only one of us makes it in the--"

"Don't talk like that!!" Rex grabbed Thorn's arm but his eyes remained fixed on a half-red half-brown leaf until a small clump of snow between his feet.

"They'd take anything else... I want you to remember me, to have something to hold on---"

"No!" Rex pulled at the necklace until the clasp released and shoved it back at Thorn. "I don't want that!"

"Please." Tears hit the faded leaf. "Please Rex..."

Rex's hand slowly closed around the necklace. He sniffed, trying not to cry himself. After a moment he reached behind himself and refastened the chain. He looked at the ring again before tucking it under his hoodie.

"I... love it..." He choked out, barely able to speak. "I'll wear it every day."

Thorn nodded and sniffed harshly before looking up and clasping Rex's hand in his.

"Let's go back. I don't want you to get cold."

"You're just as cold as I am, dummy."

"I know."

A/N: And that's all folks! I loved writing this one so much! Rex is one of my favorite characters and his personal arch is so interesting and fun for me. It's such a coincidence that this is coming out right before the first chapter he gets a spotlight, so stay tuned for that this Thursday! I suppose this is also the first time I've mentioned Thorn by name, fun stuff. Just so y'all know, they're turning eight years old in this piece. Happy birthday you two!!

Thanks for reading, leave a vote and a comment if you liked it, see ya on Thursday!

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