Twenty: His Last Mission

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A/N: This is it. This is the last chapter. I won't be leaving an ending author's note on this one. I'm working on the sequel and I'll leave updates here until then, as well as edits and revision that are minimal. As usual, comments and votes and such are appreciated as you go. Have fun~

"This is the most important mission you've ever been on." Lautrec made sure we were each correctly strapped in and geared up before taking the pilot's seat in the stealth hoverplane. The airship was only meant to hold one squad, built to be extremely small and silent.

Naturally, we already knew this. The last day and a half of Chance's rehabilitation had been brutal but every step of the way the rest of us were with him, training three times harder than normal. We knew we had to be fully prepared for what would be the deadliest mission we had faced. Not only were our lives on the line, but the remainder of my brother's team was in danger as well.

"Keep in mind I can't join you on the field," Lautrec said over his shoulder. "You cannot get any backup for this mission. Your presence must be as minimal as possible. I cannot rescue you like I did the last time, do you understand?"

"Yes, sir!" We shouted.

We were louder than usual, anxiety bubbling up into energy that we harnessed. Due to a tracker that Jasmine had been carrying at the time, we knew exactly where the team was being held. We were headed there, nearing closer every second. With every mile, my body felt colder.

"Your objective is simply to retrieve the captured members of the team." Lautrec stared straight ahead. "I do trust them enough to be attempting an escape but we must secure this opportunity for them. There is no one else I will give this mission to. Team Mathis will be safest in your hands."

I lurched forward, my heart pounding. It slowed once I realized he was not talking about me, then proceeded to sink when I realized who he was talking about.

They kept my brother's name after he died, I thought. A sick wash of emotion rose in my throat. After he died on a mission just like this one, three years ago.

I remembered with vivid clarity the message he had sent to me, his last words before I never saw him again. It was a video message sent to our house's receiver. I had my hands full with doing a chore for my mother, scrubbing the bathtub so father wouldn't slip. I ignored the tone saying he wished to talk to me because I was too preoccupied. I let the machine record his last message.

Later that day, I had washed myself clean of the bleach I had used in cleaning and went to see what he had said. His bright face popped up on the screen, giant blue eyes sparkling with energy and golden hair pushed back by gel.

"Rin, buddy!" He had laughed. "You must be busy, my little champ, always working. I just wanted to call you to let you know that I'm about to set off on the final mission of this year!"

He grinned excitedly, then the corner of his mouth twitched. He seemed to lose his train of thought and question his next words.

"So I'll... I'll be home again soon..." He grinned widely, displaying bright white teeth. "I hope you haven't been getting into any trouble while I've been gone."

A intelligible voice was heard in the background.

"Just one second, speaking to my bro!" Rolland called back. The voice was heard again and he laughed. "Maybe I'd believe that if I ever saw you not talking to little Mal' every two minutes, Lexi." The voice again, this time jovial. "Shut up!"

Rolland smirked and turned back to the screen, moving his face a little too close.

"The team is bothering me so I'll—" he halted and tilted his head in thought. "I'll stay safe for you, Rin. Stay out of trouble. Roro, out." He winked at me, a little tease at the name I used to call him when I was a child. Then his face blipped out of existence.

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