[ C h a p t e r - T w o ]

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Chapter 2

“Run!” the word escaped my mouth without a trace of hesitation. I looked back to see Shaw chasing after us with two other football players on our heels.

“I’m not stupid!” Jonah snapped back, his grip on my arm digging into my skin so hard that it hurt.

“I beg to differ!” I retorted, trying to keep up with the guy. If it isn’t obvious, I’m not physically fit. This guy, on the other hand, was like an Olympic runner or a zombie from Dawn of the Dead, same thing.

“You’re the one that told him what I said!” Jonah told me, looking back over his shoulder as the loud footsteps came closer.

“You’re the one who started dragging me! I wouldn’t be in this mess if it weren’t for you!” I ranted, becoming winded.

We halted to a stop, or at least Jonah did and I came smashing into his hard back. I peeked out from behind him to see a football player nearing us with a malicious grin on his face. When he saw me, his eyebrows raised.

“Savannah Harp?” he asked, shock clear in his voice. The football players may or may not like me. I’m leaning towards the latter. It all goes back to a prank I pulled on them when I first earned my reputation, which was around mid-sophomore year. I put itching powder all over their new uniforms right before a big game. I put dish soap in their water coolers and I put freshly chewed gum in their helmets. We lost that game.

“The one and only,” I replied sheepishly. His glare deepened while his pace quickened. “Hey, look! Free footballs!” I shouted, pointing over his shoulder.

Surprisingly, he looked and I pushed Jonah to run into the corridor to the right of us. The hallway was dark and it was used for music classrooms and storing unused instruments. I heard the jock swear and start after us into the pitch black hallway.

“In here!” I hissed, yanking Jonah, whose hand was still locked around my wrist, into a large supply closet. I quietly closed the door.

My lungs were on fire and so were my legs. I walked towards the corner of the room and leaned over, my hands on my knees. “You’re such an idiot!” I hissed once I heard the three jock’s footsteps pass by.

Me? How?” he replied instantly. It was like he was expecting it.

“You’re the one who wants to grab onto me and go all Speedy Gonzales off into the hallways. I don’t run!” I exclaimed, swinging my hand at my last sentence even though he couldn’t see me.

“How should I know that?” he hissed. 

“Exactly, you shouldn’t know that, now shove off before you get me into even more trouble,” I snapped, ready to leave the closet.

When my hand reached for the door, I was yanked back. “Get off of me, you creep!” I started to shout.

“Shut up!” he hissed, placing his large hand over my mouth. I was going to go as far as to bite his palm and kick him where no boy should be kicked until I heard footsteps.

“They’re not there?” Shaw’s voice entered my hearing and I instantly cringed, pushing Jonah’s hand away from my face.

“No, we checked every classroom,” a winded voice replied. How did a football player get winded from running a 60 foot hallway?

“Somebody needs to shed a few pounds,” I whispered to no one in particular as we listened to them. Jonah snorted but shushed me.

“Did you check the supply closets?” Shaw responded, obviously he was annoyed. The guys stayed quiet for a minute. “How did you guys not check the supply closets?”

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