[ C h a p t e r - 1: J o n a h ' s - P e r s p e c t i v e ]

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Dedicated to my real life best friend, coolxkitty. C: Finally had the guts to tell her about my writing. 

Chapter 1: Jonah's Perspective 

“Jonah, Jonah, Jonah," Weston grinned at me as I stood in the doorway of my room with my hand on the door. I raised an eyebrow as he smirked, pushing past me. He walked over and closed my book that was lying on my bed, not even bothering to remember the page number.

“What?” I asked suspiciously. I picked the book back up but he tossed it back down casually.

He grinned at me, eyes twinkling mischievously. I feel a bit girly noticing these details. “Since you love books so much, why don’t we make a run to the library?”

“I have all the books I need for now, maybe some other time,” I pointed towards my filled bookcase I’d recently unpacked.

“Not enough! Besides, maybe there’s a nerdy girl there for you to make friends with,” Weston winked at me and as I went to reply, he cut me off. “Get dressed, we’re leaving in twenty.”

He exited my room with a slam of the door. I glared at the door. “Get ready we’re leaving in twenty,” I mocked in a nasally voice.

The door opened and Weston poked his head in. “I heard that,” he muttered. I tossed my book at the door and he quickly closed it. Idiot.

“I’m Beverly, how may I help you?” the pretty blonde at the counter asked. Her voice was a bit high but I still smiled at her. Be friendly but not too friendly; you don’t want to seem creepy. My eyes grazed over the library as I took in the sight of a girl reading, or studying, I'm not sure which one. 

“I’m looking for a book,” Weston stated, leaning on the counter flirtatiously. She grinned at him. “About horses.” Her smile faltered and she typed, what I assumed was the word ‘horses’ into the computer, sighing lightly. While she was busy, West turned to me.

“It looks like I was right. Go over there,” West pushed me slightly towards the girl I was looking at earlier. She had curly brown hair and glasses that rested on her nose. I shook my head and twisted around, away from his hands.

“No! She’ll think I’m weird!” I whispered and West thought for a moment.

“Go flirt with her; be confident; smirk a little; you’ll get her number,” West stated and I shook my head.

I stood my ground. “No, I’m not doing it.”

“Do it,” Weston pleaded. I frowned slightly as he gave me doe eyes. I grumbled under my breath as I walked over to the girl. I ruffled my hair slightly. Hopefully that’s attractive.

I stopped at her table and yanked the noisy chair out from under the table. I winced at the sound. I took Weston’s advice and smirked. I noticed that she was reading a book about Adolf Hitler. As she looked up, her eyes met mine and I avoided raising my eyebrows. She was pretty. Her hair, although its messy curls were surrounding her face like a lion, it suited her.

“What?” she snapped, causing me to raise my eyebrows. I wasn’t expecting that. I thought she was nerdy…the glasses gave off that nerdy vibe.

“Well, I’m here. What are your other two wishes?” I asked her as I sat down. I racked my brain for more pick-up lines. I shouldn’t have to use that many, right? Soon enough, she’ll be blushing, right? Instead of giggling and blushing like I expected, she narrowed her eyes at me.

“For Channing Tatum, and then for you to go back to where you came from," she barked at me and I didn’t miss a beat. That was expected.

“Your eyes are like the ocean, and I think I’m lost at sea,” I stated before I realized that her eyes are chocolate brown. I also noticed that her eyelashes were long; they brushed against her cheeks when she blinked.

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