[ C h a p t e r - F i f t e e n ]

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Chapter 15

A normal brother would be tackling a guy if he even looked at his sister with bad intentions, but no, Jeremiah wants Jonah to kiss me. He’s like the mother in mean girls. He was still standing right in front of us with the mistletoe waving slightly above our heads.

I was silent, frozen nearly. “Obey the mistletoe.” Jer smacked me across the face with the fake, plastic plant. I didn’t hit him back; I just stared at him, horrified. I’m sure my face was bright red from embarrassment. I don’t even want to know what Jonah’s thinking. He probably thinks my family’s insane. I already had to save him from both of my aunt’s squeezing his face, cooing about how adorable he is. As if I don’t already know, Aunt Sylvia and Aunt Loraine.

“Jeremiah, stop hitting your sister and come here and help me with this,” my mother chided and Jeremiah frowned before stomping away like a kid. I let out a breath of relief. Thank goodness he took the mistletoe with him.

“I’m so sorry about that, Jeremiah can be… childish at times,” I apologized as I turned to look at Jonah.

“Well, that may be true but you owe me a kiss," he smirked. I stared at him, horrified as I jumped away from him on the couch. “I’m only joking, Savannah.”

I let out a sigh of relief while he continued smirking at me. He wriggled his eyebrows manically. “Or am I?”


“Thanks for coming,” I was shouting out the door at all of our guests who were making their way home. I slumped against the door. I sighed in relief before letting the cold air hit my face. 

“Good luck with that boy!” my Aunt Sylvia yelled and I slammed the door. I heard her laughter on the other side while I stared at my friends and brother who sat comfortably on the couch.

“Why are you guys still here?” I asked Jonah and Mere. Mere gasped as if she’d been offended while Jonah just smiled at me. “No, don’t give me that Mere; you’d try and sneak into Jeremiah’s room at night. And he’d probably let you.”

My brother and my best friend looked embarrassed. I turned and picked up my father’s work shoe before chucking it at Jeremiah. It hit him in the forehead and he hissed in pain. “What was that for?”

“For hitting me in the face with the mistletoe, and for pulling that inane stunt altogether!” I snapped.

“Why are you hitting only me? Jonah’s the one that didn’t kiss you!” I grabbed my father’s other work shoe and chucked it at Jeremiah. This time he caught it and threw it back at me. I caught it and it became a game of ‘who can hit the other person in the face with the shoe.’

My mother appeared in the doorway to the living room. “Okay guys, you have to go now, unless you’d like to stay and help Jer and Vanna clean," she smiled widely and laughed as Meredith looked terrified.

This whole cleaning portion of her sentence was new to me but according to the mop and broom in her hand, she wasn’t lying.

Mere was the first one up. She wiped off her dress before walking to the door, Jeremiah trailing behind her. I waited a moment before Jeremiah entered the house, his face a light pink color and his smile wide. Look at that, they’ve only known each other one day and they’re already in love! Don’t I work miracles? If only they worked on myself.

The door was still open and Jonah walked towards it before turning and waving his hand as if to call me over. “Aren’t you going to walk me to my car?”

“No offense, but shouldn’t it be the other way around?” I asked him with a quirked eyebrow as I slowly walked behind him while he shrugged. He opened the door and we entered the cold air.

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