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I'm going to try my first Hetalia fan fiction. America- centric, I think. Derp. ;)

It was time for the annual world meeting. Countries were seated around the rectangular meeting table, each in their assigned seat designated by location and relations with one another. 

Germany, who was seated at the far end of the table, pounded his large fist on the surface. Immediately, the other nations ceased their talking, waiting for the meeting to start. Germany cleared his throat . "Is everyone here?"

Everyone nodded in affirmative. Germany nodded and said, "Good. We can start the meeting. Today's topic is Global Warming. Any suggestions?"

No one answered, like always. Germany sighed and asked, "Canada, anything to say?"

Canada squirmed in his seat. "Do you want both ideas or just the Canadians?"


"Eh," Canada started. "My people think that it would be beneficial to invest in clean energy and technology." He looked down at his papers before saying, "The Americans started a Clean Power Plan."

Canada stopped talking, looking pleased with himself. Germany raised an eyebrow. "What is this 'Clean Power Plan?'" 

Canada gave a half-hearted shrug, clutching Kumajirou tightly. "I'm not quite sure, though I do know that it is something that the Americans have started to help with...something."

Germany sighed again, rubbing his forehead. "Canada, can you please try to get more information about the American's plan of action? You share a border with the Americans. It should be easier."

Canada wasn't one to get angry easily, but lately, his temper was short. That may be because he had to work twice as hard as the other nations since the U.S didn't have it's own representative, and for the past several decades, America has become more and more involved in the problems concerning the world. 

"This isn't my fault! It isn't my responsibility to record whatever the Americans are doing! I have my own people to take care of!" he exclaimed.

France piped in as well. "Mon chéri is correct, Germany. That is not his job."

England grumbled from next to him. "Yes, but someone has to do it, seeing as that country," he sneered, "doesn't have a personification!" 

From across the table, watching the argument, Romano face planted. "Not this argument again," he moaned. 

Sitting next to him, Spain cheerfully said, "Lovi, maybe it won't be as bad this time!"

Romano grumbled, "But it always is. Look." He pointed to where England, Canada, and France were sitting. England had gotten up and had started to strangle France. France punched England in the stomach, and they started to fight. Canada, who was usually passive unless this came up, started to scream at Germany. As Germany started to get angrier, Romano smirked. "You might be right. If Germany gets yelled at, then any argument is worth it."

Germany's face was turning red, and Spain mentally compared his face to Lovi's face. He determined that Lovi's face still resembled a tomato more. So cute! he thought smiling.


All the arguing ceased. Clutching a panda, China murmured," Western nations are so immature," before turning towards a very angry Germany.

"We have gone through this a million times! There is no personification for The United States of America, so stop talking about it! There is nothing you can do about that!" Germany slammed his hand on the table before glaring at the arguing nations. "So just stop this," he hissed. 

England turned away from Germany, hands crossed over his chest, heart pounding. Germany didn't know the half of it. Germany didn't know what plans he had for America, what dreams he had for his then colony. It wasn't fair, he thought, bitterly smiling. It wasn't fair that America should be the land of hopes and dreams when he himself was denied his own. He was denied by fate a precious younger sibling.

France gazed at England in pity. He recognized that sad smile on his friend's face. He remembered all those years ago when dear Angleterre had started to create his first colony. He was so happy to finally have a little brother or sister; he remembered that England had started to decorate a room for his new colony in his house. It was an unfortunate fate that befell the colony. Something had gone wrong; for whatever reason, there was no personification representing the colony. England was heartbroken. France thought back to after the incident; England created many other colonies, but they were never the same as the one who never existed. 

England had started to tremble, gathering attention from nearby nations. 

"England-san, are you feeling alright?" Japan inquired as England stood up and started to leave the room. 

England replied shortly, feelings apparent. "I just need a breather. Now excuse me, I-"

He never got to finish his sentence because suddenly, the glass from the window broke and a teen tumbled through and landed roughly on the table. Some nations shrieked in surprise while others simply looked on in curiosity. The teenage boy was still for a few moments before standing up and wiping some of the blood off his face. He grimaced before crouching on the meeting table and scanning the room. Once he did, his blue eyes widened in surprise and jaw dropping, he groaned, "Oh shit. Boss is so going to kill me."

Done. This should be the shortest chapter, so expect longer ones in the future! Yay. Goodbye. Adieu.  Sayonara. Poka. 


Angleterre (French) England

Mon chéri (French) My dear


The Clean Power Plan is a plan started by President Obama to help with Global Warming. For the first time ever, this plan would limit carbon pollution from dirty power plants, since power plants are the #1 source of global warming pollution. It doesn't matter if you love or hate Obama, but the plan he created is pretty awesome.

American Mystery (Hetalia Fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora