Part 10

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The hardest part when preparing yourself in the early murky morning was the hygiene. Sakura had taken one whiff at herself and gagged, Though the poor unclean girl couldn't afford to be picky as she set down her breakfast which had been meat from the mother rabbit she had killed and skinned. 

The four little ones were still alive, surprisingly. Sakura had run multiple tests on the critters, tearing a small wound into their flesh before quickly trying her jutsu and repairing it. A few times she had only made it worse, bringing the rabbit close to the eyesight of death but luckily the pinkette pulled her head in and concentrated, thinking about the situation as a situation in the time of war. If Sasuke or Naruto had been hurt she'd try anything to help them recover which is how she came by her motivation and courage in healing the rabbit before it succumbed to a deep sleep. 

Sakura practiced hard throughout the day with minimal food, she'd have to go hunting soon again, something the girl did not look forward to one bit. 

Naruto hadn't received much rest the night before as he decided he was strong enough to train throughout the night, a substantial mistake on his part as he was extremely worn out by the morning. fortunately, a few hours of rest helped the boy replenish his unending chakra system as the Kyuubi helped a significant amount. 

Although the boy had the roughest start of the trio, Sasuke was in the clear for the moment as he licked his fingers clean of the bear he had skinned and cut. Surprisingly amazing taste. 

The Uchiha was fully replenished and fed, the meat granting him a few juices as well, acting as water for now.

The raven-haired genin stood from his campfire and walked over to a clear area, going over the hand signs he needed to perform Magen: Kizu (Demonic illusion: Wounds). He spotted a small snake slithering along a sturdy branch and accepted his target. 

Sasuke focused his chakra and zeroed in on the snake who had noticed the boy coming closer to catch its attention. It hissed at him as Sasuke performed the hand signs and whispered Magen: Kizu to add to his concentration. There really was no need to say the jutsu aloud but it helped the user focus more. 

The snake ridged in response to the jutsu, seemingly in pain. Sasuke smirked as he made the illusion of a kunai cutting off its tail. The snake unexpectedly recovered swiftly and dashed after the boy. Sasuke jumped back away from the enraged serpent. 

"Hn. Forgot snakes can't feel pain" He muttered to himself, cursing himself for being such an idiot, the boy was just relieved his teammates weren't here to see his act of stupidity. 

He promptly executed the vermin and set out to find a warm-blooded creature, preferably something small.

Over the next week, the genin had near perfected their jutsu's and had too many near-death experiences to count for someone so young.

Kakashi had closely watched their progress, having had to restrain himself numerous times as one of his genin came too close to death. 

He examined their skills throughout the week, witnessing their fast progress and decided he'd give them another. This jutsu was going to wait until after the month had ended so they could learn it together and give each other a few pointers, building their teamwork but they seemed to have easily passed their own level and kept climbing, eager for more so he'd go fish and hopefully they'd bite. 

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