Part 48

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Naruto jumped awake, his eyes wide and his heart beating fast. Sweat dripped down his forehead as he tried to see through the darkness that surrounded him. The blonde could vaguely make out the inner linings of the small room he was in and, what looked like, a large mirror on the wall in front of him. 

He moved to get up but found himself restricted though he couldn't see what was binding his wrists and ankles, he certainly knew it had a chakra suppressing seal on it as his chakra refused to respond.

The blonde looked around, frantic. Panic began to take place in the deep roots of his chest. He even felt the Kyuubi shift as the adrenaline hit Naruto. The blonde doesn't know how he felt it but he knew the beast was unsettled.

"Naruto" A voice called to him. The chuunin looked left and right, up and down but found nothing.

"Naruto" The voice called again, almost soothing.


"Naruto!" Sakura's voice filled his eardrums as he jumped away from the pinkette. He knew he shouldn't have stolen her icha icha book but he figured it'd be funny. He was mistaken.

"Get back here!" Sakura bellowed as she chased after him. 

The blonde simply grinned as he jumped from roof to roof. Sakura glared heavily at the blonde before seeing an opening in the trees to cut him off as he headed to the T&I building.

She smirked before heading that way. Naruto, on the other hand, watched her go toward the shortcut and cursed. He thought about how he'd get to the meeting place without being caught by his pink-haired teammate's web of traps.

The blonde grinned as he went quicker before stopping on a tree and jumping down just outside the base.

"Doton: Sutōn Kajirimasu (Earth Release: Gnawing Stone)"  Naruto barely heard his teammate whisper before he turned around only for his feet to be caught by the earth. He looked down with a frown, trying to move. He hadn't planned for her to come out with a new jutsu. 

"Cha!" Sakura leaped in front of him before lunging at him with a chakra powered punch. Naruto gulped before performing hand signs at lightning speed. 

The blonde quickly put up his hand as his futon: Sensougouheki (wind style: rumbling wind wall) jutsu developed just in time to block Sakura's punch. Though the wall immediately collapsed as soon as Sakura's punch hit.

"Jeez..." Naruto muttered before forcing chakra to his feet and jumping into the trees.

Sakura glared up at him before smirking, gaining the blonde's full attention. Naruto glared down with suspicion.

"Wha-" He began before being pushed forward by an incredible force. Pain spread throughout his back and neck. As the blonde flew into the T&I building, Kakashi and Sasuke calmly walked out with Ibiki and looked at the scene before them. Ibiki wasn't sure whether he should've stopped it as Naruto seemed to be near death at this point.

Naruto breathed out in pain as he attempted to move. He looked up at Sakura in the trees with a pained expression before his eyes trailed to the, now muddy, clone on the ground.

The chuunin cursed, he should've seen that coming.

Slowly, he reached for her book and gulped as her eyes watched carefully with a glare. He gently placed the literature on the ground before slowly getting up with pained grunts and moving away.

Sakura quickly jumped down and grabbed the book before hiding it away.

"Tch...Ra, you didn't have to go so hard" Naruto muttered as he clicked his shoulder back in place.

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