Part 29

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"Well?" Kiba questioned with Akamaru by his side.

"Going to fight me or are you chickening out?" He taunted.

The match had already begun and all Naruto could do was stand there. He didn't want to fight but with Kiba's constant taunting, he was only growing angrier by the second.

The blonde could feel the Kyuubi gently pushing against his gate, simply to let him know the power was there if he wanted it. But Naruto knew. He knew if he used that chakra, he'd be gone for a while and who knows what could happen then.

Come to think of it, the Kyuubi has been extremely active as of recent. He didn't know whether to be worried or not. Of course, he was but then...could the blonde learn to control the Kyuubi's chakra?

"Heh! Hey, proctor, you can call this match early. Doesn't look like the idiot's brave enough to stand up against me" Kiba sneered as Akamaru growled next to him.

Kiba was testing the playing field, he knew Naruto and the rest of team 7 were above their level but needed the blonde to become angry so that he couldn't think straight. That was Kiba's plan to which he thought himself to be a brilliant strategist.

Naruto, for a split second, could've sworn he felt his eyes split between the Kyuubi red and his bright blue color.

Kakashi noticed the quick change and stiffened. The jounin frowned down at the match, wondering if Naruto would be able to keep himself in check throughout.

Naruto crouched down and narrowed his eyes at the dog boy. Using the speed he was allowed to have whilst still wearing the weights, he appeared in front of a suddenly shocked Kiba. He swiftly grabbed his throat and simply stood there, glaring at him with a fierce amount of killing intent and anger.

"Tch-hn-" Kiba stuttered as Akamaru panicked and jumped up, biting the arm that held his master.

The blonde didn't seem bothered by it in the slightest and simply kept his tight grip on his comrade.

Though he knew Kakashi-Sensei would lecture him about leaving himself open like that, even if the opponent was a small pup.

"Tch. Of course, he's going to fight in the cleanest way possible. Boring." Sasuke grumbled with crossed arms.

Shikamaru raised an eyebrow and turned to the Uchiha "What do you mean?"

Sasuke didn't bother replying though which made Sakura roll her eyes at his stubbornness and instead she turned to the young genius "He means Naruto doesn't want to fight his comrades so he's trying to end this as quickly and painlessly as possible"

Kushina furrowed her brows at the information she overheard, as did everyone else in fact, before turning back to the 'fight'.

Kiba pulled out a kunai and swung at the blonde, trying desperately for him to let go.

Naruto was forced to do just that when the kunai grazed his forearm.

Kiba jumped back and stared in concern for his furry friend that still held onto the genin's arm. Naruto grabbed the back of his neck, gently lifting him.

The little pup growled at the blonde and tried wiggling his way out of his grip.

"Akamaru!" Kiba's hoarse voice cried out in concern.

Naruto sighed and placed the dog on the ground, surprising everyone as he could've easily made the fight easier for him by taking out Kiba's partner.

Kiba stared at the blonde, his mouth hanging open.

"What? I'm not heartless" Naruto growled with a harsh tone of aggression.

"Wow, we really need to work on his social skills" Sakura mumbled to herself. Sasuke overheard her and silently agreed with that statement. Even the Uchiha's social skills were more civilized than his at times.

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