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I didn't know what I was feeling. A mix of anger, disappointment, but also contentment. That I got to see familiar faces caused immense joy. However, now that I knew the truth about them, every positive thought that came was crushed with the sickening despair that overcame me. It felt like a rock had settled in my stomach.

With anger blanketing my thoughts, I did nothing but greet them before settling down crossed legged on the floor as the rest of them did.

Their expressions still showed nothing but astonishment and relief. Well, most of them. Caro and Adrian just stared in disbelief. Adrian was probably the one to be surprised the most, presumably envisioning me being eaten alive by the zeds that invaded the shop I escaped from moments before I arrived here. He didn't think I was capable of getting away. Even I surprised myself. I guess you never really know what you can accomplish until you're stuck in a certain situation.

Holly crawled over to me, the biggest smile appearing on her face. "You're alive!" She wrapped her arms around me energetically. Her hugs were tight, and she let out a breath of relief, resting against me. I hadn't thought I was cared for this much by people I hardly spoke to. I liked the comfort. It helped in making me feel a part of them, even though there was that gut-wrenching feeling pulling at me inside. It screamed and showered my thoughts with countless warnings. It took all I had to ignore it.

After Holly pulled away, Aaron and Paula took her place in front of me. Aaron let out a sheepish laugh, and Paula gave me the gentlest of hugs. Aaron gave me one afterwards, holding me longer than I thought he would.

As he pulled away, I scanned over the group. Most of them occupied appreciation in their eyes with their mouths slowly twisting into smiles.

"How are you still alive?" Jamie asked as she let out a laugh, sending a victorious smirk to Joe who only scoffed.

I let out a calming breath to ease the fireworks going off in my head. "I-I don't even know ... I just ran to the shop and climbed through the vents before they could get to me. It was pretty scary."

"But it was all worth it, right?" Nick said. "You're back with us."

I let out a sarcastic chuckle. "Yeah. It's funny, though. I felt like I was part of you guys but Adrian told you I wasn't."

"You were eavesdropping on us?" Joe asked rhetorically.

"Yeah. Good thing I did, too. I was about to fall through the ceiling a lot earlier, but when I realised the conversation was about me, I knew I just had to listen." I turned to Adrian. "How come you didn't give me some sort of briefing about how to be good bait?" The smile wiped off my face and I stared at him in all seriousness, silence following. "Sorry I didn't live up to your expectations."

Adrian had anger issues. He lost his temper all too easily. Like right now. "You're weak. We don't need weak people to be part of us. A waste of mouths to feed. So, we'd use you in a situation where our survival would be assured," he replied. "If you knew why you were with us, you'd have been quick to leave."

"Someone who's weak wouldn't have been able to get away from a group of zeds that big," Nick retorted.

"How was I supposed to know she'd be back?" Adrian asked. "She wasn't wanted at first because she did nothing to prove to me that she was capable."

"Well, she's proved she's capable, so she can continue to stay with us," Jamie chipped in.

Adrian clamped his mouth shut, holding himself back from retorting. He knew well enough not to anger his supposed teammates who could easily turn against him if he so much as revealed something that could pose as a cause for concern. The pure hatred he felt for me could already be making red flags go up in their heads, so he knew he had to keep it cool. It didn't stop him from sending a deathly glare toward Jamie. She had averted her gaze long before, so he naturally gave up.

Becoming Them: A Zombie NovelWhere stories live. Discover now