Chapter 2

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"What have I done?!" England yelled as he rushed around his office. The messenger stood at the door in shock as he watched England grabbed his coat. "You!" The nation suddenly shouted as he pointed towards the innocent messenger. "I need you to tell the queen that I will be gone for a bit. It's very important and I'm sure she will understand once she reads my letter to her." England explained as he looked around on his desk for a blank piece of paper and pen before starting to writing. "Here!" He flung his hand out, with a piece of paper ,at the shocked messenger. "Take this to her please."

"Y... Yes sir!" The messenger stuttered as he watched England leave through his office door.

With America-

Dark... It was dark and cold when America opened his blue eyes. The ground was hard and rough... Nothing at all like his bed at home... Why was it so dark? Where was he? America looked around him, but a thick fog covered everything. How did he get outside? America frowned. All he remembered was lying down on his bed when it started to get really cold. Did he sleepwalk? No... He highly doubted that the maids and servants would let him walk straight out of the house. Sighing, America stood up and looked down at himself. He was still wearing his clothes from yesterday (So he thought.), but they were now dirty. He had on a long sleeved white dress shirt with dark brown shorts, a dark green vest, knee high black socks, and brown boots with a red bow tied around his neck. It was one of England's favorites and now it had dirt and dark smudges on it.

'England's going to kill me.' America thought as he looked back up. 'I wish I had some sort of light.' He wished as he started to walk around. He couldn't stay there all day and hoped that someone would find him, right? What if something else found him first. A shiver went down Alfred's spine as he imagined a scary looking monster. He shook his head to get rid of the feeling. He needed to be brave and find a way out of this forest, or at least find a village that wouldn't mind helping him. As he walked away, a pair of glowing yellow eyes stared after him from the fog covered trees.

Alfred stumbled around as he looked for any signs of light. Where was he exactly? Was he even in Massachusetts? Alfred sighed. He had no idea where he was and it was dark.


Alfred gasped as he heard something. He stopped and listened. Was it his imagination? Terror soon filled his body as an icy cold hand was placed on his shoulders. Alfred screamed and turned around. He was suddenly face to face with a women. She was pale with icy blue eyes and messy dark brown hair. She wore a long dark purple dress that had silver buttons down it with a white apron around her waist and she had no shoes on. She also looked as frightened as he was. The two stared at each other for a moment as the adrenaline left their systems.

"H... Hello?" Alfred asked as he stared at the women. She was dirty, her clothes were tattered and a bit ripped at the edges of her dress, and looked like she hadn't ate in years or seen any sign of daylight. How long had she been here?

"Hello?" She questioned him a bit as she looked him up and down. "Am I Hallucinating... Or are you real?" She asked taking a step back. Alfred gave her a weird look and then looked at himself.

"Well... I think I'm real." He said as he looked back at the women. She had a huge smile on.

"YES! I'M NOT ALONE!" She yelled and grabbed Alfred giving him a bone crushing hug. For someone who looked so frail, she could definitely pack a punch.

"A... Alone?" Alfred asked as the women let go.

"Yes. I was with a group of people... But I've lost them a few hours ago and I haven't found them yet." She explained. " Would you mind helping me?" She asked. Alfred thought for a moment.

"Well... It would be better than being alone..." He looked at the ground for a bit before looking back up. "Sure." The lady smiled at Alfred's answer.

"Yay! My name is Virginia Dare." She introduced herself.

"I'm Alfred F. Jones."

America and The Lost Colony of Roanoke Where stories live. Discover now