Chapter 3

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"A... Alone?" Alfred asked as the women let go.

"Yes. I was with a group of people... But I've lost them a few hours ago and I haven't found them yet." She explained. " Would you mind helping me?" She asked. Alfred thought for a moment.

"Well... It would be better than being alone..." He looked at the ground for a bit before looking back up. "Sure." The lady smiled at Alfred's answer.

"Yay! My name is Virginia Dare." She introduced herself.

"I'm Alfred F. Jones."

"It's very nice to meet you." She implied as she shook hands with Alfred.

"You too." Alfred winced as he touched her hands. They were icy cold and bony. It was like she had a very thin layer of skin with no muscles at all... Only bone.... Alfred shook his head. He needed to stop thinking about that and focus on getting home. The two walked around the foggy dark forest as they search for any signs of light or life. But they couldn't find anything.

"Achoo!" Alfred sneezed. He was getting colder by the minute and Virginia's attempts at trying to warm him up were useless since she was basically ice itself. Alfred was rubbing his hands together in order to feel his fingers again. He sighed at his efforts and gave up. It was just too cold and they didn't have anything to make a fire out of.

Suddenly Virginia gasped. "What is it?" Alfred asked as they came to a sudden stop.

"THERE!" She yelled. Alfred looked in the direction she was pointing, but could only see fog and trees.

"Where?" He asked as he squinted his blue eyes. Virginia ran forward and disappeared into the thick fog. This frightened Alfred as he ran after her, trying to catch up. "W... Wait!" He called out. As he was running, something moved behind him. Following his every move so quietly... Almost as if it was the fog itself, except it was dark and scaly with glowing yellow eyes.

"Virginia!" Alfred shouted once more. How long had he been running? Where was he even running to? Alfred stopped to catch his breath as he looked at his surroundings.

Suddenly he saw something slither behind him from the corner of his eye. 'What was that?' He asked himself. Was it just his imagination? Or did he really see something... Not taking any chances, Alfred started to run again. Whatever was following him was not going to get him. It seemed like hours had passed as Alfred ran through the fog. Everything looked the same! How could he tell that he wasn't just running in circles?!

"SLAM!" Alfred stumbled backwards and fell to the ground. What had he just hit?

"Oww~..." He rolled onto his side as he hugged himself. He was running pretty fast and to just suddenly collide into something, that wasn't soft at all, it hurt. He opened his eyes and sat up. "What was that?" He asked himself as he stared at a large pile of wood. He tilted his head in confusion before standing up and making his way around it. It looked like a bunch of logs stacked on each other and they were long and tall. 'Wait... What's that?' Alfred thought to himself as he walked toward a square shaped hole in the logs. It was a window. 'I FOUND A HOUSE!' Alfred thought to himself in surprise and relief. He might find someone that could help him. He ran to the door and opened it, not noticing how easy it was or that the window was shattered. He ran into the house looking for anyone. His smile faded as he saw tipped over furniture and shredded cloth. "What?..." Alfred asked himself as he looked around at the scattered books and broken glass. "What happened here?" He wondered as he walked carefully around the house. It looked abandoned now that he thought about it, but it didn't seem like the owners left willingly...

Suddenly, he heard a sound come from behind him. It was a growl, but it didn't sound anything like an animal he knew of. He whirled around and came face to face with a large dog like creature that was the color of a moonless night and with bright yellow eyes filled with ravenous hunger. Saliva was dripping from it's mouth as sharp whitish yellow teeth snapped at Alfred. Paralyzed with fear, Alfred stared wide eyed at the hunched over beast. If it stood on it's hind legs, it would be taller than the house he was in! The animal took a step forward. Alfred took a step back, wrong move. The creature lunged itself at Alfred!

"AHHHHHH!" Alfred shrieked as he fell to his knees, dunking under the animal causing it to collide with the turned over bed. Taking the moment of distraction, Alfred got up and ran out of the cabin.

"RRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHRRRRGGG!" The beast howled as it came sprinting out of the cabin and after Alfred. It was on his heels as he sped up faster.

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