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Leo's POV

I quickly grab the chocolate bars and shove them in my sweat pockets.

Glancing behind my shoulder nonchalantly, I swipe an apple and put it in my jacket pocket.

"What else do I need..." I mutter to myself, trying to think.

I casually walk in the next aisle at the grocery store and bend down, pretending to tie my shoe.

Next to my shoe are granola bars in orderly rows, I instantly take one and shove it in my sock, then lower my swear pant leg over my sock.

Straightening up, I look around.

I run my hands over the candy pieces and duck my head in the aisle, pushing a piece up my sleeve.

Okay, Valdez, now you only need a water bottle and that's it. Then you get out of there.

I put my hood of my jacket over my head and pretend to cough like I'm sick.

As I cough I open the cooler section and pull out a cold water bottle.

I walk around with the water in my hands before I slip that in my sweater pocket as well and pretend the bulk in the pocket is my hands.

Blood pounds in my ears. No matter how many times I've stolen before, I always get paranoid that someone might see and say something.

That fear of being caught never leaves, if anything it gets worse.

With clammy hands, I turn to go to the exit when a strong grip on my jacket hood stops me.

I choke for a second before fear consumes my body. Thoughts rush through my head in those couple of seconds.

Who is this?

What do they want?

Did they see me stealing?

Are they going to call the police?

Are they the police?

Why would they grab me?

Do they want to hurt me?


"You planning to pay for those things, boy?" A harsh voice whispers in my ear.

"I-I-I-" I'm not so good under pressure.

"Come on." The man grabs my sleeve and pulls me toward the exit. "We're going to have a little chat about stealing and right and wrong."

The man tosses a $20 bill on the empty cash register, probably to pay for all the stuff I was going to steal.

Then he drags me outside of the store and drops me on a bus bench.

I feel myself begin to panic and my breath quickens. "Who're you?" I raise my hoodie over my head and pull them past my ears.

The man studies me without replying.

Now that I can see him better he looks middle aged. Maybe a little older than middle aged. But definitely, fit and strong. He doesn't look rich, but definitely not poor.

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