25. The Rescuer

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I manage to finish my breakfast before there is another rap at the door. The adventure novel I chose for escaping my conflicting feelings will have to wait until the evening. It is surely Gwendes this time, and she will stay for a while. My hand grips the door handle, and I open it to find Ferdir's dark eyes staring at me again. But unlike before, he is not alone.

My throat tightens, momentarily cutting off my air. "O Elbereth. Tell me she is unhurt..."

"I found her in time," he says, holding an ashen-faced Gwendes, her limbs hanging like a marionette without its strings.

"What happened?"

"She was attacked by an orc."

Gwendes is weak but conscious, her eyes fluttering open at my voice. "I asked him to bring me here. I...did not wish to cause my parents unnecessary shock...I am fine, truly..."

I swiftly lead Ferdir to the settee where he lays Gwendes down and gently places a goose-down cushion under her head. It is only after inspecting her and finding no injury or reason for concern when my heart ceases pummeling like a battering ram.

"Tell me everything," I say. "From the beginning."

Gwendes takes a deep, shaky breath. "I was walking by the river picking berries. You know how I oft go down that path."

"And you know how I have warned you of the dangers."

"I believed the area was safe or I would never have gone. I have seen guards there, Rîneth. But today was different. I sensed something strange, a certain stillness, and turned back..."

Ferdir continues the story. "I was passing by the area and heard a distressed shout. I rode in that direction and saw her being attacked by a rogue orc. I must say, she was giving a good fight."

"You had a weapon on hand, Gwendes?" I ask.

"Only a small knife I always keep with me, if ever I need use of it. I was able to cut its arm, which gave Lord Ferdir enough time to loosen his arrow."

"The creature did succeed in pushing her to the ground." He looks down at Gwendes, and touches her shoulder. "It was not your day to die, my lady. Are you certain you are well?"

Color is slowly returning to Gwendes' cheeks. She gives a reassuring smile. "I am, though I do not believe it would be so if you had not heard my cry. I am forever in your debt."

"Stay alive, my lady, and consider the debt paid."

I notice how their voices carry a measure of fondness. Gwendes especially has a tenderness in her gaze as she looks up at him, and Ferdir has not yet released her shoulder.

"You must return to us as soon as you are able," I say, addressing Ferdir. "If this is not sufficient proof we need you in the Guard, I do not know what is."

"I shall return. But now I must give these grave tidings to King Thranduil. He will want to know an orc slipped past the borders and attempted to attack one of his own. There may be more to follow."

A shiver runs down my arms, though my chambers are warm. "Stay another night at least. Do not travel until we know if there are more. Your aunt can wait one more day."

"I agree." He looks at Gwendes. "I shall visit you tomorrow to see how you fare. I advise you not to go picking berries by the river again..."

Her smile is playful, her color fully returned. "As long as I carry my knife, why should I not?"

"You make a good point."

We bid him farewell, and he leaves my chambers once more. But I suspect I shall not see him again before his departure from the realm.

"It was more frightening than I made it out to be," Gwendes says when the door is closed. "I...did not wish Lord Ferdir to think me timid."

"You are anything but timid. I am glad you have some skill with the knife."

"It was a skill I did not know I had." She sits up. "I would not have been able to keep the creature off for much longer, Rîneth. Its blade was much larger than mine. And it was stronger."

We sit in silence for a time, each in our own deepest ruminations. The only sounds are the distant trickle of water from the cavern stream, and Gwendes' soft breathing as she stares at the goblet of wine I gave her.

If not for Ferdir, my young friend would have been slain. It is a thought both terrifying and impossible to comprehend. What was a lone orc doing in our part of the Wood? What more can be done to protect our isolated homeland? There are not enough guards.

And now we are without two of the best: Legolas and Ferdir.

"I must tell you something which will surely make you proud," Gwendes says suddenly, shattering the dark stillness of the room.

"I cannot imagine that anything you say will make me prouder than knowing you are alive."

She shrugs, and absently wipes away some dirt remaining on her hands. "It is just...I do not love Elros anymore."

"When did you come to this happy realization?"

"Recently," she whispers, as though telling a secret. Her smile turns shy. "I have developed feelings for...another. But I do not wish to say his name and ruin it. Can you guess whom I speak?"

Remembering the exchange of fond looks between Ferdir and Gwendes, I feel a tingle of warmth in my chest. If it is true she has developed feelings for her rescuer, I shall not object. Though my matchmaking days are over, the pairing makes obvious sense.

"I believe I have an inkling. But I shall not say his name either."

"I know it is not meant to be. He is too far above me. He is as the endless stars, and I am but a mere woodland plant..."

"You know how I feel about that ridiculous way of thinking."

"Even you should think me ridiculous for this. But tell me, do I have even the smallest reason to hope?"

I recall Ferdir's words to Gwendes: "Stay alive, my lady, and consider the debt paid."

"Yes, you should. But for now we must say no more about it, lest the same thing happens as with Elros. I do not wish your heart to break again."

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