Chapter 14: I needed him

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*2 months later*Saturday night

Everthing has been going good, me and Dominic were invited to a party last week, so now we're getting ready.

"Hey babe you ready to go?" D yelled

"yeah, let me put on my other shoe"

"aight I'm in the car"


Dominic P.O.V.

while I was waiting my phone started ringin. It was one of my hoes so I answered


"where you at boo I need you"

"I'm bout to go somewhere with my girl"

"Aw thats cute but you cant just skip out and come see me I got something for you"

"Naw but I'll see about later tonight"

'But Daddy you can't just come now I dont even know why you dating that lil virgin, she probably not even a virgin as far as we know"

"Look you gone have to wait here she come"

"Okay Daddy D I'll see you later"

*hangs up*

I got out to open the passenger door then realized what she had on

"um, ma'am?! where the hell you think you going like that?"

Beauty's P.O.V.

In my head I'm trying to figure out exactly he's talking to

"we're going out to this party" I partially hyelled

"No! we're going in this house to get you changed"

"Bro chill and get in the car! Everybody know we dating omg"

"naw get yo ass in that house!" he starts dragging me and I'm punching & kicking obviously getting nowhere

As we get into the house he starts yelling

"Go change now!"

"No!" I yell back running

Just then my feet are being pulled from under me and fall so I start kicking and screaming.

He then throws me on his bed and I start to feel punches at my face and stomach, i winced in pain and start punching back

*15 minutes of fighting later*

Now he's choking me as I punch himin the face. i got a good hit in and ran

I soon found a closet and my phone was vibrating

It was Jay

"what Jay?!"

"I'm in LAX where you at?"

I started to hear yelling

"Oh bitch oh bitch wherever you are come out to play" Dominic yells

I heard his footsteps come closer to the closet. SO I hung up and texted Jay

B: help me Jay please!!!!!! 1835 Welchime dr.

God I hope he comes I NEEDED HIM

"Found yo ass come out hoe!"

The door opens slowly and he has a empty hennessy bottle( oh dear lord he's drunk). He yanks me buy the arm throws me over his shoulder, evbentually we end up in his bedroom and he throws me on his bed, holds me down and ties my arems up. he proceeds to take off his clothes until he's naked. At this point I'm just wondering where Jay is. He leans toward me and starts tearing away at my clothes and I'm kicking & screaming but he doesn't care after struggling with me he begins to roughly ram his hard member into me I wince in pain as he picks up speed. After an hour of agonizing pain he stops and leaves. I just got up and curled into a ball & cried in the corner of the dark and hate filled room.

*30 minutes later*

I heardthe door bust open. I cried some more just knowing whats coming. But to my surprise it was Jay. How f*cking great.

Jays P.O.V.

I walked in to see her curled up in a corner crying naked. The sight just hurt me

Beauty's P.O.V.

"B come here" he says calmly as if he isnt 2 hours late

"No" I started crying again

I wanted to get up and hit him but I was too weak

He walked over to me moved my curls out of my face and kissed my forehead. then wraped his jacket around me, it was so huge and warm. Picked me up and drove to his hotel. When we got there he ran me a bubble bath, washed me up and tucked me under the the covers. Jay then took his shirt off got under the with me and held me in his arms and wispered:

"You'll always be my baby"

I Needed YouWhere stories live. Discover now