Chapter 4: You're Invited

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*5 days later*

Beauty's P.O.V.

well nothing has really happened me and Jay are still together. Cam is working on getting people together, as usual.

"hey bih"

"hey cammy what's up"

"oh nothing girl, but guess what"


"I got me a man"

"omg!!! what's his name, what does he look like, how old is he, wher-"

"Damn nosey much"

"sorry I just wanted to know"

"well I won't tell you his name but he's light skinned 6'2 hazel eyes dark brown eyes and he's 16"

"mmm sounds cute when do I get to meet him?"

"soon ok"

"ok, but I gotta go Jay needs me see you at lunch cammy"

"alright B"

As I'm going to the basketball court which is on the inside. I bump into someone. I look down and its Jay's ex girlfriend.

"uh sorry let me help you up" I said sticking my hand out


it got awkward so we went our separate ways. Until...

"um, Beauty right?!!?" she yelled running back to me

"yea what's up"

"Just a little tip, whatever you do virgin or not DONT GIVE IT TO JAY"

"wasn't planning on it but why"

"Because afterwards if you do he's just gonna hurt you. If you're going to his party Saturday avoid going to his bedroom"


"I'm serious but I gotta go here he comes"


That was awkward, but look at my baby all sweaty and sexy and shit.

"hey baby" I said puckering up my lips asking for a kiss

"hey" he said coming for the kiss

"sorry I didn't get to the gym fast enough I was held up"

"yea I saw why were you talking to stajcia(stay-zia)?"

"oh, it was nothing don't worry about it"

"ok, well make sure you make it to my party this Saturday"

"Ok I'll be there what time?"

"at 9 until whenever you feel like going home"

"well reminder I've never been to your house so I need an address"

"I'll text it to you baby, I gotta go crew calls" he said running up to his boys


*ring ring*

the bell rang and that meant lunch. yesss I am hungry. But I don't want caf food, I'll call cammy.

*ring ring ring*


"hey cammy"

"hey where are you I'm in the caf"

"I don't want caf food meet me in the parking lot"


*10 minutes later*

"Hey cammy"

"hey so where we going?"

"I'm feeling taco bell but Chinese sounds good, but then again there's cookout,but I also want a iced caramel mocha firm MacDonald's"

"fat ass haha"

"Shutup what do you think?"

"we each get a 99¢ burrito from taco bell,general tso's chicken from the Chinese place, strawberry cheesecake milkshakes from cookout, and iced caramel mochas from MacDonald's."

"yasss oh and a extra milkshake and burritos for Jay because I know he gone ask for some"

"ok let's go its hot out here"


So it took us about 15 minutes to get everything. When we walked in the cafeteria with our food everybody was staring.

"cammy why is everybody staring?"

"well last year our principle gave us the choice to go out and get food for that year and all the ones to go. But nobody ever had the nuts to do it"

"so I'm the first one?"

"yup you are"


"mmmm this food good though"

"hey Bae"Jay said sliding his chair back to the table we were sitting at behind him

"hey baby" I said giving him a kiss

"ewww" cammy said scrunching up his nose

"Shutup cammy, what's up babe"

"you wanna share" he said cheesing

"no need to I knew you would want some I got you a smoothie and two burritos."

"thanks Bae" he said going back to his table

"mhmm so cammy this boy when do I get to meet him?"

"soon B damn"


Jays P.O.V.

(This smoothie good as shit. Look at my baby tryna look out for her man. I swear I love her so much with her sexy ahh. I like staring at her though)

"Jay, Jay, Jay, Jay,Nigga!!" Marquise was snapping me out of my thoughts

"what what!"

"Take a picture it'll last longer"

"Bruh its my girlfriend if I wanna stare at her then I will stare at her"

"alright but why haven't we been introduced we supposed to be yo boys"

"Cuz y'all ain't ever asked"

"well we asking now"they all said in unision

"Bae, Bae, Bae, Bae, Bae, b-"

"what Jay!!!"

"hehe come here"

"hold on" she said getting up to take the seat next to me.

"now what do you need?"

"my boys wanna be introduced to my baby"


"So this is Marquise, Brandon, Daquan, Justin, and Marky"

"hehe marky?"

"huuuh my Name is Markese but coach gave me Marky"

"oh hahahha"

"B time for dance" cammy yelled to her

"well I gotta go dance class calls"

"ok see ya later babe kiss?"

"alright love you" she said giving me a kiss

"love you too"

Beauty's P.O.V.

well I spent the rest of the day in dance rehearsing today was just a big blahh.

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