Chaptee 1: Something Strange In the Air

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Hearing some arguments from her two daughters coming from downstairs, Caitlin grumbled a little bit.  She knew she should get up.  But for some reason lately, something felt strange about her.  She couldn't quite put her finger on it.  For some reason she didn't seem like doing much of anything these days.  She knew of course Barry was worried about her as well.  She tried to be cheerful.  But for some reason, it felt like a force was trying to make her cold.

"Enough you two!"  She heard Barry's voice coming from downstairs as she had crawled out of bed and quickly got ready.  She made her way downstairs to see Barry visiting with Beth and Emily.  "What's going on?"  She asked as Barry finished giving his speech to his two daughters.

Barry looked up and smiled at Caitlin.  "Caitlin good morning.."  He said trying to lighten her mood a little bit.  Not knowing the reason why, Caitlin gave him a hard glare.  Barry let out a small sigh.  "I have it covered."  He smiled.  "You should get some more rest if you're not feeling well."  "I'm feeling fine.."  She said in a bit cooler voice then she had intended.  It even surprised herself.  "I'm.. I'm sorry.."  She shook her head.  Barry was watching her with concern.

"Let me speak to your mother girls.."  Barry set five year old Emily down and went to visit with Caitlin out back.  "Are you sure you're okay?.."  He asked gently placing his hand on her shoulder.  Caitlin smiled and rested her hand against his cheek.  "Yes.  I promise I am fine.  I'm sorry.  I guess it's lack of sleep.."  She muttered.  Barry wrapped his arms around Caitlin pulling her in close for a hug.  "Maybe we should have you checked out?"  Barry asked. Caitlin kept her head rested on his shoulder.  "I told you.  I'm fine.  I just need more sleep.  Besides.  I'm somewhat of a doctor myself.  You would think I'd know if something was wrong right?.."  She pulls away slightly glancing up at him.  He narrows his eye slightly.  "I guess so.."  She stands on her tiptoes to give him a kiss.  "You don't have to worry about me..  Now let's go on that family outing you suggested."  She smiled.  He smiled back as he motioned for her to follow back inside.  "I'll always worry about you Caitlin.."  Caitlin sighed and walked back into the house with Barry.

"Dad is mom okay?"  Beth asked once Caitlin went up to go get ready for the family outing.  He smiled at his daughter and placed a hand on her shoulder.  "Of course she is."  About a half hour later, Caitlin came down ready and freshened up for the day, and seemed to be in a bit of a better mood.  "Hello love..."  She grinned as she came back into the living room where Barry and her two daughters were watching a tv show together.  He glances up and smiles at her.  "Caitlin.  You're looking amazing."  Barry grinned.  Beth looked at her younger sister hearing her dad's comment and gave a small eye roll.

Caitlin smiled almost a little shyly.  "Thank you.  Ready to go?"  She asked looking at the three of them.  Beth and Emily looked up and smiled.  "Ready!"  They both said at the same time.  Caitlin laughed a little.  "Alright.  Lets go.."  Once the four of them got into the car, Barry took off towards the amusement park. 

"Are you sure that's a good idea?  Last time I rode a roller coaster when I was younger, it didn't end very well."  Caitlin smirked seeming to be in a better mood once they were out of the house.  Barry laughed a little as he walked alongside her.  Beth had agreed to take Emily on some of the little kid rides while Barry took Caitlin off to the side to keep her mood calmed.  "Don't worry.  You have me to protect you remember?"  Barry smirked  Caitlin smiled.  "Yes I do."  She hesitated some more and sighed.  "Alright.  But don't say I didn't warn you.."  Barry chuckles some more then takes Caitlin's hand and starts walking towards one of the roller coasters.

"See?  That's not as bad as you thought right?"  Barry grinned as he walked with her over to one of the restaurants they had agreed to meet the kids for lunch.

"It sounds like you two had fun.."  Caitlin smiled as she listened to Bethany and Emily babble about the rides Emily went on.  "After lunch we can maybe go on a few with the four of us together.."  Caitlin smiled.  "The Ferris wheel!"  Emily said excitedly.  Barry laughed a little as Beth sighed.  "You've been on that twice already.."  Emily rolled her eyes. "You like to spoil all of the fun.."

"Maybe while I take Emily on the Ferris wheel, you and dad can go on one of the roller coasters.."  Caitlin stated so not to get Emily all worked up..  Beth smiled.  "I'd like that.."

"Dad are you sure things are okay with mom?.."  Beth asked once the other two were out of site and they made their way towards Beth's favorite ride.  Barry looked over at Beth and sighed.  "I'm not exactly sure."  He had a vague idea after visiting earth 2.   But he didn't want to believe it would happen to Caitlin..  Bethany knew of course who Barry was.  She had known since she was little.  But they hadn't told Emily yet. Especially since Barry was trying to lead a normal life.  Though now and then, he still had to go take care of things at the lab. 

"There are things.  Complicated things.  That have happened in the past.  But they aren't up for discussion to be talked about here.."  Barry said to his daughter.  Bethany nodded.

"This way mommy!"  Emily said practically dragging Caitlin along to the ride.  Caitlin laughed watching her daughter.  "I'm right behind you honey.." 

"You were right. That was exactly what I needed."  Caitlin smiled to Barry once they had gotten back and she had put Emily to bed.  Barry smiled and wrapped his arms around Caitlin giving her a kiss.  "See?  You should take my advice more often..."  Barry winked.  Caitlin laughed as she leaned in to rest her head on his shoulder. 

"Perhaps I should go to the doctor..  But.. I think I know what is going on.."  Caitlin said in a whisper.  Barry closed his eyes and sighed.  "I know...."

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