Chapter 4: Deathstorm

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"Did you find her yet?"  Beth asked looking up from where she was sitting on the couch as she heard the door open to see Barry coming back.  He sighed a little.  "No.."  He gives a slight shake of his head.  "I don't know where she is."  He buried his face in his hands for a moment.  Beth glanced down slightly.  "She said she wasn't going to leave again.."  She muttered.  Barry pulled his hands away and looked over at his daughter.  "I finally just got Emily to sleep.  She's worried.  Barry walks over to sit on the couch next to his daughter.  "Mom's going to be fine.  We will find her."  Beth leaned against Barry resting her head on his shoulder.  Barry wrapped his arms around his  daughter as she began to cry.  "We will find her.  I promise."  "She doesn't want to be found dad.  She made sure of that.."  Barry sighed a little.  "You have to understand the situation at hand...  How difficult it is to have people telling you to do certain things..."  Beth quickly stood up and glared at her father.  "You're taking her side!  Are you going to turn evil and abandon us too?"  She said angrily without really meaning to.  "Beth.."  Barry started but before he could say anything, she rushed upstairs to her room.

Caitlin had found a cave in the woods she had been staying in the past couple of weeks.  She was fighting an inner battle with herself.  She wanted to go back to her family.  But she couldn't.  If she did, she would hurt them.  They were better off without her.  Caitlin stayed curled up against the wall and buried her face in her hands.  Just do it already.  You know it would be so much easier on you, if you made the decision.  You know you want to.  She heard the voice inside her head again.  Caitlin pulled her head up and looked around.  "Wh..  Who's there?"  She stuttered.  Just think of all the things that you could do with your powers.  "No!  I don't want to hurt anybody.  Leave me alone!"  But you've seen how badass you could truly be.  It's so much better being bad.  Caitlin let out a scream and covered her ears with her hands to drown out the voices in her head.  Suddenly, she began to shiver and she sent out a blast of snow through the area she was at.

As he was walking through the woods looking for his partner in crime, the man stopped, seeing what he had seen up ahead.  Getting worried about her, he quickly rushed towards the site that he saw the raging snow swirling around.  As he reached closer, he could feel his body temp getting a little cooler than usual.  "Cait!"  He yelled out using her old name.  Hearing the familiar name, and familiar voice, Caitlin pulled her head up and stopped the snow.  That can't be who I think it is..  Though her feelings had changed, she still missed Ronnie time to time.  But she didn't love him the way she used to.  The way she thought she always would.  She slowly crawled out of the cave and smiled seeing Ronnie ahead of her.  But something seemed different about him.  She suddenly proceeded him with caution.  "Ronnie?  Is everything okay?  Where's professor Stein?"  Deathstorm laughed making Caitlin suddenly even more nervous.  The man looked like her ex, but he certainly didn't act like him.

"Professor Stein died a long time ago.  Let's just say I got tired of him telling me what to do all the time.  So I needed him to shut up.."  Caitlin's eyes widened with surprise and shook her head.  "No.. No..."  As her nerves grew, her powers threatened to come through.  Suddenly she sent a blast of snow towards Ronnie, but suddenly, his body was engulfed with surrounding flames. 

"This world really must have done you in.  Now can we get out of here?"  World.  Of course.  That explained it so much better now.  "Woah..  I..  I think you have the wrong person here.  Deathstorm suddenly began to approach closer to Caitlin raising his eye slightly.  "Do I?  Because you sure look like Killer Frost to me.."  Caitlin sent a blast of magic towards him.  "I'm not...  Killer Frost!"  She growled.  But he was quick and was able to let himself ascend into the air and a few seconds later landed behind her.  "You sure act like her.  You must be Caitlin.."  He smirked.  "And here I didn't think you had any guts.  I can help you if you want.  I helped her figure out her powers.  I can help you figure out yours too."  Caitlin glared at him.  "I don't want to!  I'll help you search for Killer Frost so you can leave.  But nothing more..."

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