19. Public Clinic

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Sky's POV

'Hello?' the lady answers

'Hi. My names Skylar Clears, I'd like to make a follow up appointment please?'

'In what?'

'Uhm I miscarried' I say

'How long ago?'

'Uhm...three weeks' I say

'Ok well I'm sorry Ms. Clears but were fully booked. The soonest appointment I could offer you is November' she says

'But its September now!' I exclaim

'Yes. You could try the public clinic' she offers

I mentally curse,

'Ok well thanks very much for your help' I say politely

'No problem, sorry about that Ms. Clears' she says

'No bother. Bye now' I say hanging up

I sigh and put my head in my hands. I grab the Golden Pages and click through until I get the number.

I ring it and a woman answers on the second ring.

'Hello, London Public Hospital?'

'Hi I'm ringing to make a follow up appointment' I say as there's a knock on the door

I put the phone to my other ear as I open it, revealing Eleanor with tears running down her face. She sniffles

'Come on in!' I mouth and close the door behind her

'Follow up for what?' the woman inquires

'I'll be two seconds' I whisper to Eleanor

'I miscarried' I say

'How long ago?'

'Uhm around three weeks. Maybe three and a half'

'Right, ok. I can fit you in for next Tuesday at ten? Is that sutible?'

'That's perfect.' I say happily

'Name please'

'Skylar Clears' I tell her

'Date of Birth and age?'

6th of September 1995. I'm eighteen.' I say

'Hmm. Ok well I'll see you on Tuesday then. Goodbye Skylar' she says before hanging up

I immediently turn to Eleanor,

'Eleanor sweetheart what's wrong?'

'Me and L-Louis broke up!' she mumbles sniffling

'What? Why?!' I question

'He though I accepted a date with his guy which I didn't, he said some stuff I said some stuff. We were both so angry. Then we just exploded. We ended it. But I don't want it to be ended!' she wails

I try and comfort her

'Eleanor don't worry!' I say 'Its you and Louis! You'll get back together! Your like Rachel and Ross!'

She chuckles lightly and we have a movie marathon.

Author's Note


Ok so short I know but its just a filler! Ok consider yourselves filled!

Bye my lovely wee buttons!

~Niamh <3 x

My Not So Secret Bump #2 (complete) WATTY AWARDS 2013Where stories live. Discover now