22. Pancakes

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Harry's POV

Sky was ecstatic about being pregnant again. Which means we had a great night!! ;)

I woke up early. I looked over at Sky, who had her arm resting on my bare torso. Her dark hair was fanned out on the pillow, a few strands on her face. Hey face looked peaceful, and for the first time in three weeks, genuinely happy! Her shoulders were exposed as the blanket had slipped down. I gently pull it over her, making sure she's nice and warm. I slip out of bed as gently as I can and pull some boxers on. I tip toe out of the room and downstairs. I open the curtains in the kitchen and living room and let the sun light stream in. Its only nine so Sky won't be up for another half hour at least! I start making some pancake batter, adding some chocolate chips, the way she likes them. I pour some into my heated frying pan. I flip them and pile them high on a plate. I make a big stack of pancakes and drizzle some maple syrup on top.

I put them onto a tray and grab two knives and two forks. I walk up the stairs and out the pancakes on the bed gently, sitting down beside Sky, who's beginning to wake up

'Hmm?' she mumbles when she sees the pancakes

'Morning beautiful' I say gently, pushing the hair off her gorgeous face.

'Morning' she mumbles sitting up and grinning

'You made pancakes!' she squeals happily and sleepily, grabbing one and shoving it in her mouth

'Hungry much?' I ask

'Hey! I'm feeding three here!' she defends

I laugh and eat one of them pancakes.

She snuggles into my chest and rests her head on my shoulder, munching on her pancakes happily

'You know what's crazy?' she asks

'What?' I ask with my mouth full

'In a few months were going to be parents! Like mummy and daddy!' she says eating another pancake

'When you say it like that!' I say laughing

'Its mad though ennit?' she says shaking her head

'Are you ready? To be a mum I mean?'

'Of course not! I'm only eighteen! But I'm as ready as I can be at my age. Are you?'

'I suppose. I mean I always figured I'd have a nice wedding with a wonderful girl, start a family, be the big successful dad. But not for a few years! But I'm ready as I can get!'

'I'm nervous though! What if we mess up?' she asks

'We won't. We might make a few mistakes here and there, but we'll learn from them!' I say

'When do you go on tour again?' she asks after a short pause

'The start of November' I sigh

'That's ok. I'll only just be 7 months then! I won't be popping nothing out then!'

'I'll be back for Christmas! And if you have the babies then we'll call off the tour'

'You can't call it off!' she says looking up at me

'I'm not being away from you after you've just given birth!' I say

'But you can't let the fans down like that!'

'I can't leave my two newborns and my wife alone!' I exclaim

'Wife?' Sky questions confused

I cuss. It was supposed to be a surprise!

'Girlfriend. Sorry. I didn't mean wife' I correct looking at my fingers

Sky's POV

He said wife. He said it! He said it! Why did he cover up? Why didn't he say soon to be? Or something like that? Why is it such a touchy topic for him?! I mean, were having twins together, that kind of binding whether he likes it or not!! Oh My God! Maybe he wants to break up! Maybe he's going to break up with me! I m so stupid! How could I think he actually wanted to be with me? He's just playing me! This is a sick sick game to him!

'So uhm I was thinking we could go house hunting today, what do you think?' he asks

'I don't think that's such a good idea. I'm going to have a shower. I say sharply, getting up out of his hold and heading for the bathroom

'Sky! I'm sorry about the wife thing' he calls

'It obviously doesn't matter Harry' I say before getting into the shower

Harry's POV

Ugh I'm so stupid! Stupid, stupid stupid!! Why didn't I just say soon to be wife or, you will be soon or hopefully soon! But no I had to say sorry I didn't mean it! What an idiot! Oh God she probably hates me! Ugh I'm such an idiot! I'll have to do it sooner then! I'll start now! Yes I'll start now! perfect! I have to show her I care. I was going to do it tomorrow but now works fine!!

Authors Note


Oooh what's he doing? Hehe so omgzas!! Sky's preggers again!! :D awwwwwwwwwwwwww <3

Love ye my wee buttons

~Niamh x

My Not So Secret Bump #2 (complete) WATTY AWARDS 2013Where stories live. Discover now