20. Did I Miscarry?

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Harry's POV

I've planned a romantic evening for Sky. Her, Heather and Eleanor have gone out shopping for the day which gave me time to plan the evening.

I have made a trwail of roses out to the pation where I've set up a gazebo and under it is a candle lit dinner. There's fake candles either side of the roses to make a little passage way type thing.

*Pic on the side of the dinner setting*

I go inside and put the TV on while I wait for Sky to come home. I hope she likes the dinner! I worked hard on it. I just hope she likes what comes after the dinner!!! And I'm not talking about anything dirty you dirty minded children! Its something more.....permenant!

Sky's POV

Its time for appointment! I brought Eleanor and Heather with me. Its not my check up, its like a pregnancy test appointment. Its been three weeks since I miscarried, maybe more, and I haven't had my period, I'm getting weird cravings and I'm growing by the second!! I don't believe I'm not pregnant! I told Harry were going shopping. If I'm not pregnant then he never has to know, If I am than YAY!

I read my magazine for the fourth time and sigh. Bor-ing! People are coming in and out and I'm still waiting!

'Amanda Gulf?'

I groan as a skinny, young girl walks in anxiously. I'd say she's around fourteen. She's so young! What was she doing...well doing it!! Shea only a baby! That being said, I'm only around four years older than her but still!

She's in and out in five minutes looking devastated.

'Pregnant?' I ask her gently

She bursts into a fresh set of tears as another....man? is called in.

'Y-yes!' she wails

'Oh sweetheart it's ok!' I say gently pulling her in for a hug. She clings to me tightly and sobs.

'My parents are going to kill me!!' she sobs

'They'll understand love ok?' I say gently wiping away her tears

'Your Harry Styles girlfriend?' she says

I nod gently.

'Look honey, I'll give you my number and if you have any problems or you need something or you need to talk, call or text me ok?' I ask putting my number into her phone.

'I'm Sky by the way' I say smiling and shaking her hand

'Gemma' she says smiling

'That's what I was going to name my baby' I say smiling lightly

'Was? What are you going to make her now?'

I smile sadly

'I miscarried twins. Jesse and Gemma' I whisper

'Oh My God I'm so sorry!' she says

'Its ok! What age are you? You seem so Young'

'I'm fourteen. Fifteen in November' she says smiling

'Skylar Clears?'

'That's me. I have to go but call me if there's anything, anything at all, I can do ok sweetie?'

'Ok, bye Sky' she says turning away as I stand up

'Bye Gemma'

Heather, Eleanor and I walk in

My Not So Secret Bump #2 (complete) WATTY AWARDS 2013Where stories live. Discover now